Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 13 Dec 1934, p. 44

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Mm niC mon; w Chair- ipport Mrs. Knight Blanchard, 1015 Chestniut- avenue, was' elected the new chairman for the - com- ing two years of the Wilmette chapter of Infant Welfare last Monday . Other new. officers elected are Mrs. Mark Hale, Tre- cording secretary; Mrs. William Hedgecock, membership chair- man; Mrs. Walter Hildebrand, social chairman; Mrs. Clarence Burpee, legisiative .chairman; Mrs-. Harry Pine, clerical chair- man;. Mrs. Arthur Hall, chair- nman of tierit.system-; and Mr s. Frank Allen,' vays and means chairman. The speaker, for theafternoon was Mrs. liiez Bliss, superintendent of the W"Imette Health Center, who told aboIut ber work in the com- munity. She described specific cases and urged the support 'of the organi- zation. At the close of the meeting, which was beld in the lounge of the Womani's club, the bostesses for the day served tea to members and friends fromi a veritable Christmas fairyland table, which was accom- plisbed by white trees, mnirrors, rein- deer, andI whicb was quite ini keeping with the blizzardy beauty of the out- doors. The bostesses w-ere Mrs. J. W. Hale. c hairman; Mrs. H. A. Craig, Mrs. M. C. Hecbt, Mrs. A. F. Hooper. àis S. C. WVarden, Mrs. M.,S . Kresge, Mrs. H. S. Condit; and Mrs. N. S. Altman. The menit systeni which is being, pnomoted for the memibers and which wasdiscussed 'at .Mondays meeting,- will, be explained ini a laten', issue, ofý *Miss MaPry l~izabeth To'wssepid of Wilniette u'#71 e hosteu at flhe toId-fa&çhiaed "os"thse Kajpa Kapp/a Gamma Aluioac association is hm'ving at Kappa houfse Titesdai' afferirooii, Deccinf>er 18. Il is a suf- Vetr aiwd,,ok Ica. Christmas Meeting for Woman's Club Juniors' t1iy rettunger, president .of the juniors of the Wonian's Catholic club. The prograni will be a wa lkiimg rehearsal of two one-act plays. "The Rehearsal," by Christopher Morley. ýw*ill be read by Miss Gertrude Cope- land,' Miss Medora Bright, Mrs. U.. Austin Elîmore, Miss, Adelaide Franklin, Miss Virginia Hannah, Mrs. Carl A. Reeb, and Mrs. Charles M. Wîlliamson; "The Minuet," b% Lewis Parker, by Mis Jean Hall, for Neighbors Club A talk, with, accornpany- pictures, on the Mary Crane Nurs.ery school, bv Miss Nina 1Kenagy, ihs director, was cornbined with music by the Jo- seph Sears school orchestra Tuesday. afternoon Of- this week t'O form the l)ýecetiiber p rogramn for the, Kenil- wortb Neighbors'. .The boys and girls of the, orchestra playeéd exceedingly- well for , a group so young as theirs, showinig excellent direction, under Miss Margaret Davenport. The children, gave for their, program:ý War* March of the, P>hnt Liebestrauiu................. Liszt 9olo liaitte by Barbiara W4ikeley-, on marimbaphofle, Bob A nidei*stii, ibil French horn: Flute Solo-Nane,% Claar Red Sarafin .'......Rusidan Folk $oig Clarinet Solo-Charlotte WiIdi Itallan Rnianee........ubi Members of the orchestra are: Violins-Shirley Scairat-- Charlotte Miller, Elaine VauhtNanicy Èx- Frances Neilson; Hiawaiian guitar- Glen, Anderson; clarinets - Char- lotte Wilds, Conger Reynolds. Alvin, Noyes; saxophones-Leo McShayne,- Ben Richards; flutes-Nancy Claar, Kenneth Crocker. Joan Kilner; (rums-Katberine Marx, Robert Os- terman; trombone-Bill McLaren; cornets-B iliy Taylor,; Donald Camp- bell; piano&-Gordoni Ostertrom, Shiir- ley Scarrat. Eltoni F air prov.,ided( Luncheon for Board Mrs. Harold O. Barnes of 93 In- dian Hill road, Wjnnetka, is luncheon hostess today to the Winnetka. N-orthwestern Settiement board. on soif Cormitte Membors of' Witmeti Club Asked fo Dri stufs for Annuel Food- Just before the holiday season Nyhen Christmas and its spirit of giving stand uppermost ýin the- minds'ofaîl, the philanthropv de- partment of the Woman's Club ýof' Willüet te spon sors its annual food shower in conjunctioiî with the. regular meeting« of the club. Such, will be the case on W~ed- nesday, Dec em.nber, 19, thé last all-day session of, 193-4. AIlUb embers going, to the, club that. day aire asked to bring! with, tbem non-perishable foodstuffs, sta- pies, cannedgoods of ail kinds, or fruits and vegetables not -easily. de- stroved. To open that meeting WNednieseiay Elvir Winter Gilmore, who bas a book, of poénis off the' press, m-ill be presented at 10:30 in the morning' by the art department, of which Mfrs. Gordon Hannah is chairman. Her' talk.:will be oný "Madonnas." The Nçw Trier High school, orchestra . wil play at 12 o'clock noon, gi ,ving .its programi before th e onle oýclock luncheon. At the opening of the afternoon prograrn at 2 o'clock. Katie Lee - ohnson, regional- director of Region VII. Girl Scouts, will appear b-efore. the inernbership to. give a brie f talk. Region NTII, with headquarters in Chicago, comprises the four states, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, and WVis- consin. As regional director she is also a member of the National board.: Mlarjorie Culver cornes to the club, Lirnmnediately afterwards with her 'Mfusical Poems.' Miss Culver, con- .sidered an exceptional young Amen-, cati pianist and, bas turned her talent to the composition andin î- Ierpretationof wbat she ýchooses to cail ý'Musical Poems." Traveling ex- tensively over the country, a'ppearing 011 concert programns as a pianist and. muidcal reader. 'he has beeii con- en 'rom- over the sea.. Mary ;er, Roger Johnson, DIck ........John Hughes ......Frances Dahncke ..Edward Devlin .Eugenia May Church lnamstown, Mai entrance to Nor lams .college,V .1prior to iwestern univérs * he commitice arr * sembly bail for 900 'younger' set attit try club Dccember ýf Wil- rber of ic As- Of the cûun- club on rîay, DecernDer 14, mem- bers, will be guests of Mirs. Simon> Freed of 5602 Kenmore avenue, Chii- cago, at tbe Christmas party and bridge. At that time they will dis- cuss plans .fôr a benefit the first of the yean for the schol1arsbip fund of. MIS college.

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