SMART PRACTICALI THINOS FROM For Men and Voung Men SILX PAMS Raàd iu m$59 silks., plain $ . 4 colors wth confrasling, piping. Ofliers to $ 1050. Oporasand $2.6 4 Romeos of fine genuine kidskin in adl colors. Others to $4. Collar attached and nck.bands, $, as w.11 as eyeles and ,tabs. Others to $12.50. MOHAII COATS Great for ~ 9 an ouft- $12.9 door man. Plain colors witb stripe; plaids, too.ý /44 THE HUB' EVASTO ForBoys- a»d, Girls ROYSI SHIRTS Wité, plain col- s ors and fancies; the. popular de.ep ton. 'shades, too. Others to $3. Sfr ,ip.s, 0pla'id s 6 C and ail-over palterns in n.w fabrics. (»hors 50C to $ 1,50 . lanb bod y.~U with horsehide frim.. Others at 3.5 prints end colors.Other from $I.95 l'o $5.96. li 71-11à Tir;- NECIKWAR' A smart selec- s lion of the. very Iafest thing in weaves end colors. Ohers t.o $5., MUFFLERS Lovely silks $2.9, and wools in plaini colors and fan- Cies. Others $1.65 'o $ 10., SWEATERS Br u:hed$395. mohairs. Othors to $1 2.50. SOlIDE JACKETS Bi-swing$ 09 Other suedes $6.95 l'o $20. For Women BOYS" ROBES Dole-$5 095 flannels. Oliiers l'o $9.95. BOYS' SWEATERS Zippers $295 and arg- yIes. Others $1 .95 l'o $5.95. and Misses. H.ay$79 wool fleece in mnaroon, green and blue. Oliiers. et$1 0.5 Mttr.ctively teim- $3 ined- purse-over- Sea style hat-cute 11*11. scarf. Ail Scotcçh plaids.: HENRY C. LYTTON & SONS' MEN'S .nd BOYS' SHOP Orringlon and Church- EVANSTON midw.ights. N.west shades. 3 pairfr$.0 Witfl LippUe top. Ofher smart 51 prcd$1.95 f'o $12 HENRYCoiLYTToN &SONS WOMEN'S and GIRLS' SHQP*-Sherman and Church - EVANSTON' SHOP S