Terrel. pressive anid compelling display now to be seen in the store window at 1160. Wiimette avenue. A feature of. this display is a little red bouse, and to this litie redbouse is attached a humaLn interest story that will appeal to those whose'hearts are toucbed by the efforts of handi- capped children to niake, soinething ofthemselves and contribute :some- thing in excthange for the.opportunity to educate their. minds and train their hands in the ways of useful employ- ment. Ma&& BI Cipp6d. Chiuà.m The littiéeredbouse was made by the inmates of the Martha Washing- ton Home for Crippled Children, in iChicago, who took great delight in building it to further the sales of Christmas Seals, whicb they know wil provide fimds to save o1tb#r hap- less children f rom an insidious dis- ease that is far more dangerous than physîcal disability. But there is further interesting history connected with the littie red house. It is an exact replica of the, * first tuberculosis saiorium in Amer- ica. started 50 years ago at Serenac. Lake, N. Y., and christened "Little Red," because of the color of its 1 iaint. It was founded by Dr. Ed- Fresh Air Treatnt While in search of health and hunt- ing foxes in the Adirondacks,. Dr. Trudeau became conscious of the fact that the less he walked the better he feit. That was the be- ginning of the modern rest and fresh air treatment for tuberculosis, re- sulting itiiTrudeau sanitorium, world famous center for treatment and re- search. IlLittle- Red," was a very smail neighbors) reports that So-and<-So wîiltini< it over; and another reports that So-and-So bas given frein bis Chicago office; and another that. he is flot 'interested ini giving; and you are in a daze as to what to do next, knowlng that, if everyone knew what these people Who have nothing Will have to .face this winter, that those who haven't g iven wôuid give, and those who* have given would give a, littie more ; that the feilow Who siam'med the 'door wouid say "I'm sorry" with a- check; and: then one mornîing you came in and found:a letter fromn So-and-So saying that you could count on him for $50 moôrein the spring'; and aniotherletter read- ing. "4counit me in, for $25 February l"; and John' Doe enclosesan additional check for $5;- and then you count up ail th-ese- increases and unexpected. »ifts and.fincl that Winmette bas raised ifs Comn- munity Chest quota- "OH. BOY!> AIN'T [T A GRAND AND GLORIQUSI FEELNG?" WILMETTE COMMUNITY CHEST, INC. A. C. YOUNGBERG, Campa.ign Manager. P. S.-You can help make this possible. Collector A gain Urges Payment of .Taxes Prom ptly The payinent of 1933 general taxes in New Trier township is running a trille behind the record for 1932, Col- lector Sanborn Hale announced Tues-, the time aches onf W»licfl ne 'must relinguisn theC books(. Taxpayers, he requests, will please note that they cannot take credit for any overpayment of their 1932 taxes on their 1933 bills. Rebate for any overpayment will be given the tax- payer, the collector explains, as soon as the necessary legislation is passed providing for such paynient. As has previously been announced, Sehool Faculty Members' Hold Yule Party Today Members of the' Wilmette public schools 'faculty will hold their an- nual Christmas dinner Thursday night of this week at the Georgian hotel in Evanston. Louise Ayres Garnett, Evanston writer and composer, will be the guest entertainer. The Wil- mette Teachers' club, of which. Miss Ruth Slown is president. is planning JOINT CHRISTMAS PARTY A. T. Sherman Lodge; I.O.0.F., and thc Wilmette Rebekah lodge will, join forces to celebrate the Yule, season, at a Christmas party tolbe held in the Odd Ftellows lodge hall i Wilmette Sunday afternoon, Decem- ber 23. & ý l , Plans for the construction of a separate storm sewer systeju ià, the Village o~f Kenilworth were officdaliy dropped, for the Present at toast, when the, Village board vptedé Tues" dlay night- to ask that a Public Works administration allotmnent of $t0onO which was to bave beetnused i .à build- ing, the sewer, be withdrawn. The, request for a federal I. n to finance' the 'sewer contjob, wasmad ayear ago. At 'ai Kenilwirth' storm water~ ied into. the sanitary sewýeru.h at ime prire. iadetmadi both, seweroige and. stérai w*!*th the result- that the oerflà*has hacked up: and flooded basecuts. Unable to finance a separaté *tmrn sewer without assistance, the. VilItge board,, in December, 193& calledMo the federal. goveroment. Last IY annoucement was made of the ap- proval of the Village's application and the granting of the, Ioanm Obimet t. Projt Construiction work has neyer beeji started, bowever. Sentiment in the village seems* to be against a proiect of this nature at the present time. The action taken b.y the Village board Tuesday night was in accord- ance with the opinions expressed by leading Kenilworth citizens at a re- cent meeting of the Kenilworth Citi- In the absence' of Village President. Harry P.. Harrison, Trustee Chase Love took over the chair at the. board meeting: Tuesday. Acting on a sug- gestion by Mr. Love the board de- cided to take -no steps towards re- newing. work relief projects which have expired. In view of the re- stricted finances of the Village, such action was considered advisable. Change Taxi Rat. helped.; Citizens are invited by the comnit-1 tee to view the attractive display ande to buy 'Christmas Seals as 'liberally1 as po5sible. rmorning, january 7. Just cail Wilm ettc 4300 to place an ad in the classified section any tinie weekdays from 8 A. M. to 9 P. M. à %- ui l er of. ceremc es..