C~olins, presient. In general charge of arrangements for the day are rs Elmer Gates, Mrs. G. K. Baur, and Mrs. Charles Hl. Warner, jr., Mrs. J. Frank Grimes, 2747 Eastwood ave- nue, Evanston, and Mrs. Walter Hansen of 2812 Blackbawk road, Wilý- mette, are the ticket, chairmen, each having many, co-workers. Scores of fiends interested in aiding 'Cbicago Junior scbool bave bought ýtickets,. and. committees arecmpleting. de- tails to assure a pleasant afternodn' or evening for guésts. Chicagoý Junior school, Iocated at Elgin., is a school for boys from hroken. homes and "meets a great neted,ý".its sponsors ýdéclare.-"Boys from kindergarten up to-high school are provided with a background of *careand home life as well as splendid classroomf work. The teachers. are *united ini ideals and purposes, and are extreniely capable of giving several evenings a week to help boys who have .not liad the right foundation in * their school work.»! The séhool now has an enrollment of forty boys, but is prepared to care for fifty. Sonie of the boys have a parent who is able to pay the full nionthly tuition, others caoi only pay part, and there are some who are able to pay no t1ition. Thc latter cIass is taken care of by special * schoIarships provided by large per- sonal contributions, ýand the rest by Friends of Chicago Junior scbool * such as the Evanston branchi. Children of Thefa AIumnat& fo Have Party Aparty for the childrcni ofaun nae meml)ers wîll be given by th- North Shore Aluninae association ol Kappa Alpha- Theta on Wednesday afternloon, December 19, from 1 o'clock until 5 at the chapter bouse in Evanston. Ail children from 6 * weeks to 25 are invited an~d are asked to bring rioeseflts which will act -as hostesse served around e 's At 12:30 Saturday noon there is to be a bridgehincheon at the club. Immediately following luncheon Kath-.. erne Wells Sloa n will give a lesson on "Responsive Biddin g," after which she will supervise play at the tables,. and answer any qetos asked.- A delightful evening is planned for Sunday, ýwhen. the: Glee, club invites the entirie club membership to join ini the singing of the old. Christrnas hymns, that bring so much cheer at the holiday. seasoni, and to eiijoy with them the presentation ,of. a specia! Christmas program arranged for the occasion. The program, begins at 5 :30 and-is folloWed by supper, for which reservations are,.to î)e madle Friday. Leaves for Florida. John T. Moran, '1047 Linden ave- nue, well known Wilmette Golf pro- fessional, departed Tbtirsday, Decem- ber, 6, for the soutbland to take up bis duties as golf instructor at the exclusive Hibiscus Island Golf course. Upon bis return in 1935, he wiil fui- fil his engagement as professional at the Waubonsie club in Aurora, Ill. Miss Betty Ketchamn, daughter of the Craig Ketchams, 611 Abbotsford road, Kenilworth, is. returning onl Sunday from a mnonth's visit with friends ini New York City. BIALDWIN PIANO CO*. 323 S. Wobash Ave. 7 W. MADISON ST. ENTIRE FOURTH FLOOR - CEN. 4179-8 00, X~ '2/