The National Housing Act makes it is unnecessary for you to neglect either the interior or, exterior of your home-yota can improve both at the same time with the same lban. The Gov r*i~tPm idea is to provicie for a fi:efotd purpose. First, protec- tion, second, appearance, third con- venience, fourth, sanitation, and fiftb, MORTOGACI,ý W. ame in thie nMrktfor c usevtlve frt mort- apartments anid office INC. I N. La Uesl.St, Chiçago lin1 Sheru,.. vamusb U.ivmeity 310 Nok r n Big Kitchen -Show Fanctions There is a potential breakfast nook o osn c in every big old-fashioned kitchen.ofH u ngAc Whether it is hidden away in an un- An outstanding event in Chicago needed panfty or an unused corniet this winter will be the Modern Home it can be discoveréd and develpped show ,at the Colisèuni scheduled for- easily. the week beginning ÉebUar 1.The, Ail that is necessary is some par- exposition will'be sponsored by the tition material and, a built-in table Modern Home Exposition ci with two built-in benches to, match. *co"'Operation with ýthe. Federal Hous- The walls may be finishied in .aiîy ing' Administration. in Washingtoýn de 'sired manner.. The' table and and Chicago, and many Chicago civic1 benches 'may be lacquered or painted grus in any color that, harmonizes wth Anposition o bscaatrwl the ~ onu coo ceeof the kthn be of :great intercst to, While the conor ,fth kitchen.ig nrs sne heNtiona osn beingchanged excellent tinieponrsneth anlHuig te, include a- new sink with dirain atmksavs muto nny boars an a nw flor . which can be borrowed through boahrcanges a cintai o covering. banks at a low interest rate ý on easy dividual case such as additional elec- time payments with which to md trical outlets, or more shelves and enz n eodtoaalber cabinets, will suggest themselves.. them. Not For Profit LEVELING LINOLEUM, The exposition management bas Linoleumn that is bulged or AýOs- declared a plan wbèreby the exposi- ceas b nd,'e fatcotnesloor i ,igstion *111 iîot bé ôéerated foer private pl < asti erofi st ce hent rwi profit. The exposition will be open plastic_____________________ rom 10 o'clock in the morning until Il o'clock at night-13 hours a day. LIB ER TYDuring the afternoon and evening, LOAI'N Auto many special features will be pro- vided for the education and enter- coleP@nATiror Personal tainnient of the tbousands that are Tea. Grnmleaf expected to attend daily. Stage and. Tel G«mlat18 Fuýrniur radio stars will brigbten the enter- 110 Aveuen, Evanstea tainment programns and talks and demonntratins h experts on con-, YOUR HOME. 1. Does the Stucco Need Patching? Do timbers need bracing? L<ook with q<crtic4 eye at walls, masonry, old ~dinandworn shingles. If surface is badly.deteriorated, it should be re-. placed with soDund material-;bri ck veneer, stco e iig or shingles. 2Do the Windows Stick? Perhaps they need refitting or new hardware. Do the .y leak ,air? Wea therstrippinùg may make a saving in your. fuel bill. 3. Is the Porch Going to Waste?, Screen' or glass will convert it into an additional living room. Shutters, awn- ings, screens 1 storm sash. and doors may need repair or replacing., 4. How About Wood Trim window and door frames comnices? These are, the spots constantly exposed to bard wear from weather. 5. Grading, Walks and Drives should 'be brougbt up to par. BRrck, tile and other clay materials, cernent, asphalt, gravel, etc., may be used to good. iadvantage. Landscaping oit.eà improves appearance and value far beyond its cost. version of an attic into livable quarters, for instance, means the sale of materials, equipment and appli- ances, the emplayxuent of labor . and The Federal IIousing Administra- tion itself bas been invited to occupy a large central booth near the main entrance, from wbich Will, be sup- plied information to, visitors con- cerning the ways and :means . of se- curing home modemnizat ion Ioans under the National Housing,.act. 'It is expected that many of Chicago's. banks will be represented at the ex-, Position and actual oan applications. wiIl be taken at the show. FHA Cooperates Housing Act-andi a grear step nas been taken toward the re-employ-, ment of labor and national recovery Expect Quiclc. Respouëse It is expected that aIl of'the,,avail-. able exhibition space will- be :ab- sOrbed quickly by manufacturers and dealers of products, allied, to the building îndustry, since. the exposition presents a timely opportunity for tiie producer and distributor of building matçrials and -the hlike to submit bis CO. BEFC 0". MADE OF ASBESTOS AND CEMENT 1 ý,