Pi.mfy of Parking Spoce No Weliofag-rmpt W.flv.ry EVERYTHINO. FOR THE- HOLIDAY FIAST- AWAITS YOÙ HEIRU Supplies ý P schôol boy girl. and lu milus -fée and 1Motimer. ad de- Da enerly for tlift growlng 3~ý puSc FLORIDA JUICE ORANGES Thin skin, full of juce. 0 eýFý3 dz.79c MALAGA CLUSTER RAISINS Fresh and moist. I b.35c NEW MIXED NUTS A finel.29 assortniGnt. I 9 Té# finus, plum post. messtenoder turkeys ad fwL o.aiLIkluds. 4 wide stLctiou 0 da»etiarer -<,ysters, shriim>s fercechtails,.Liquurs an.d winues of all kiueds. Fresi fruits. fer, saluais. Frosh Vegetàbles. lu. tact, eperythi!tg yen ceid passibly wM't te eat. JVc canuet quete ail praces, but they - ae sarpH#uigýylyb' adaie Chri stmois Candh« Soxed,' and in colorfuI oel.o packages-Put thern ido4fhë fré ri n u laiilw hiItmt toug. lb. Assorted Imported Caramels 49c Real English Toffees 39c Assorfed Mint Palties 39c Fancy Hard Candies 25c Marshrnallows 19c, WiId R: iedL'o g..u-A splendid bern forA tue tffing. Ii JONX AAn EATING APPLES Tarf, but juicy-.. chiIdren will lik, them when they corne in for aà 1 5.9 betwe.n-m.al snack. 1s19 RUTABAGA TURNIPSI So good with chops- or chicken. 21I IDAHO POTATOES HUSSARD SQUASH Season well and serve with lots of butter., 3 10b.IO oh" how goodý plenty of butter. they aOre when served with 15-lib. cloth bag 3 9cý For ïal.ds, combine withý cocktails, with shrimp. 'grapefruit; for- 2for 25c Butter Toasted -Salted Nufs Fresh and crisp- Plenty of almonds, fitberts, cashew%, brazils-and no peanuts. IOId Hom.steadMarmaode Adeficious orange marmalade. - - IL Iclear. So lors DECEMER 2,53 Welch Grape Juice