next In heId V n 2 to 4, 1 T, lum. Jafas- - or Noishore Travel Bureu- Eanson-W4imett. 500 IDRESS DESION, MILLJNERY, 1TYLING, ADVIS- INC, REPORTING, MERCHANDISING, UINE& ZOLOR ANLYSSFASHION ILLUSTRATION INTF.RIOR DECORATION IN- ALLý ITS PHASES. Mid-Year Entraitce, Jan. 2-1,14-21 bA lchigiî Slvd. Chieago:., Dept S. ToutVamuiy WiU Reteve aChelk. 14e h à MoutC I FaneTheir Budget Wken lYou Are Noi Jfr WYour in surance and Your'Estate Are Not Organized to Meet This Critical Need I AM ABLE TO SERVE YOU' in mcomplishing this' vitmlly important result. Cofereflce By Appoiment FRANCIS S. MOORE, Equ't--ble Life Assurince Society, Sui'te ioýZ, i120 South LaSalle St., Chicago. Phone Franklin o4oo. at the BUY CHRISTMAS SEALS TeWilmette Health Centerý Dental clinic .is held. eveéry Tuesday morning from 9 Pto 12- o'clock. BUY CHRISTMAS SEALS The next Chesti cliniie will be held ,auay 21 fron 1 te 3 o'clock. Dr. Jules Novak.. medical director 'of the Chicago Tuberculosis Inttue s in charge. BUY CHRISTMAS. SEALS IN LEGAL FRATERNITY Henry E. Cutier of 407 Central avenue, Wilmfette, and State's At- torney Thomas J. Courtney were in- stalled as honorary members of the legal fraternity,,Phi Delta Phi at the banquet 1iü1d 1iat Sâturday in Chan-= paign for Justices of the Supreme Court of Illinois.. One of the main speakers for the evening was Clyde e. Stone, justice of the Supreme Court of Illinois. Mr. Cutler is a member of the Chica go law firm, Chapnian and Cutier. Keith and bis sister, vick road, Kenilworth, ie University of Cof Who Gesgnlin Inl SAA ts cauï U occupies a large tract of ground on the west side of Wauicegan road two blocks nortb of Lake avenu~e, in Glen- vicw. Trànsforming a huge barn into a colorful and comnfortable dine and danice establishmhent was néoteantask but Mr. Link acconiplished the f eat with telling e.ffect, lending to the establishment, just the proper touch of the Bavariani atmosphere. This atmosphere is carried out in the entetainment offered free to'the diniers eacb day. Bavarian musicians and singers (inctludingý singing wait- ers)- are, plentifully sprinkled about, the ýplace, which, within a few short months bas acbieved a p)opuiarity unrivalled in the north shore area. Most important of al,, Link's Ilomestead is famous for good food, which includes delectable, Bavarian dishes. The Homestead is distinctively a family place wh ich means tha4t the children are welcome. Plans are going forward for a gala New Year's Eve festival at Link's Hoînestead. TO DRIVE TO ARIZONA .Mr. and Mrs. Ernest H. Freeman of 601. Laurel avenue. witb their son, Jack, are leaving Wilmette Friday, *of this week to pick up BiIIy Free- man at Pu'rdue. and drive from there FORl; OIFTS TUATr MEN WULL APPIIECIATE 5TUDRE MANALER'5 WELEGME-ýý 707 Churcli Street 1Evansion -Church. ed fil Tatman. wiII bepn t L/a~ Mgr. t 1~ - meni