Shiow ~O jens Dec. 22 florticultural HalIl, with its pai- g us area and rectangular shape, wilI at Garfield Park assume the digni<.v of real, outdoor, August Koch, chief horticulturist, garden. of informnai deskn; low beds announces the opening of the annual filled with flowering plants, garden Christmas Flower- showat the Gar. furniture and other, accessories, a field Park Conservatory December real lawn of flowing velvetiness, vines. 92, and contintiing, until january' 6, along. the rafte.»s., great banks of, ir clusive. The building will be 'open, exotic vegetatior' combine to formi- each day from 8 a.:m., to 10- p. m.' one qf, the fi. f 'e shows to bc' Admssin s feeta ilandevryone seen in t lie i '.ci Sates. As: an is invifed to be present. outdoor laboratory for observation, The Christmas show îs one of -four by the Vis itur afi home ,gardehner major shows held, during the year the show is unsurpassed. ,and. contains plants which suggest Ail of the, rooms of the- conserv- the holiday spirit. Two thousanid red, atory will be open to the public, and: ight and dark pink,w*hite, oak-leaved, the collection of, plants in them. and double forms of the popular Pôin-ý number more than five. thotqsand setawill be',the featured flower. In kinds. The Palm House,- Fernery. addition, 15,000 plant of one.hundired Cactus House and other roomis are kinds will comprise the display. Many unexcelled for the effects obtained. kinds of Begonfias, such as the lovely Guides are- available without .Cincinnati, Erfordii, Chatelaine, Syl- charge to groups requesting the serv- via and others of equal beauty and The Conservatory is located at Làake, ornament may bie seen - Stevia, with street and Central Park (3800 West)I its airy-like bloomis, many hundred' and is easily reached over surface Papewhite, :and yel1w Narciuui. and o1evated, Unes. Jerusaleni Cherries~, new orange and, yellow Marigolds, Euphorbia fulgens, Air-Conditioning with orange and yellow, flowers and drooping branches. and 2.5W0 delight-, Possible in Winter fuI Chinese Primroses are only -a Air-conditioning equipmentma MORTOACE LOANS. be installed, for greater comfort and health, througb insured* mod- ernization loans ufider th"e National Housing Act. Tt is usual to instali such equipment in cpnnection with a new heating unit of an improved tietter' tousing means houses built of better materials. According to a report of the Lock and Building. Hardware manufacturers"' Association, there has been a sharp demand' for Ihousing hardware of, bronze and Ibrass. and the higher, grades of I iron applianscèe since thé Better IHousing. program began.ý Windôw Ihardware, formerly almost entire-, I ly of iron, is, now generously sprinkled witb the new metal, es- Peciallyfasteners, sash lifts, etc. Even mn low-priced houses, there is'developing a sharp.demnand for the more durable metals.. Brighten Up Home in Winter Months One of the most satisfying and profitable pastimes of, a long winter, eventnig is- in planning improvèments to the home. One thing suggests an- other until it becomes a veritable chasè from. one project to another.' Old lighting fixtures will be re- placed by attractive and modern fix- tures and these will' so improve the appearance of the roomns that a new an.d brighter'tone ini wallpaper will be stuggested. Then a blank and un- attractive waillwill çali. for built-in Good Time to Fix Basement The repair and mýodernization of basements is- as practical dAurinig winter mônths as at an'.y other tuxe of, the year,. according to buil ding authorities. During this Permod, exterior walls maybe orecarfuly ispeted,,due to the absence of shrubbérýy and. in- terior found ations in betterW condition for working on, having been war 1med and dried by opertion o h etn plant.. Wàtoepruiig Repairing and. waterproofing the baàement walls at this time pro- tects the basemnent againstý the sec- page that . is liable to, occur. in the spring as a resuit of melting snow and spring mains. Unless the base- ment is waterpmoofed before the lurnace fires, are extinguishad, it nay be damp, unhealthful and unsanitary throughout the summer. Exterior basement walls should be thoroughly cleaned of saits or crusts, mud and insect tunnels by, wire-brushing or other means. >lun- sect tunnels often serve as entrance ways for destructive termites, com- monly known as white ants. Cracked and sunken walls should be strength- ened and leveled on top to prevent damage tn the superstructuire.rDe- jyour present system, if desired. Air- 'l'here 15 fno limit to what can be conditioning equipment 'is easily ini- done in the way of improving the stalbed during the most unfavorable home during the dull months. Then Iweather. It makespossible regulation there is time for plan 'ning other im- Iof humidity in homes during the PrOvements which must waît for fair winter. weather. LIIIERTY' LOAN Auto CORPORATION Peraci ATTEND TO LANDSCAPE If you are planning to' Iandscape ext spring, now is the time to take *A Poor Practic. The practice of piling litter and rubbish around the exterior base- ment walls to give added insulation is a poor one. Such litter often assists in keeping the lower part of the building damp and is a breeding place for destructive insects. When, dry, it is a fire hazard. If the struc- ture itself is properly repaired, such btter is entirely unnecessary. Home and business property own- ers, who have not already taken adf- I TELE!HONE C-EN TRA L 1S55 iN. La Salle st, Chimago Central 0227 J57 Sl.rmaa Av.,Evamstom Ulnversity 2600 p i