Christmas Elve There will be, as usual, the an- nual carol sing on Christmias -eve, around the "Christmas tree at. the * Villa ge ý hall,, at 7 :33 o'clock.. Harry C. Kinne will be. there to speak this yearand somebody wilil be:there to direct thesinging. Thesing is con- * ducted by the Playground and, Rec- reation board. *.Won't, you ail try and bie there. at 7':30 o'clock and add. your voices * to the joyous strains? The singing will- consist of the well known and, well loved old carols, so you don't need tc be .afraid that you don't know them.- Valerie Adams, Stolp 2D. Several Dollars Realized, From Parade of Pennties S~tartin~g-,[ednesday, December 12 and continuing until F'riday, Decem- ber 14, Miss Johannson's room had a penny parade. Nearly evteryon9e*ni the room brought money for,- it. Thursday when -the children were ready to go home Miss Johannson said that they had $5.14. They are going to buy a Christmas tree for the room and then give it to a poor family. Miss Johannson bas some- thing planned to do with the rest of it but bas flot yet told the, pupils what it is. However, the entire room is very anxious to find out what it is. -Janet Whitehead, Central 'school. Issue Yule Number of Stolp News-Box Dec. 21 The> Christmas issue of the Stolp News-Box. will be out tonlorrow, December, 21. This time it is saiti. the paper wil1 be an improvemnent on ail the otheir issues. Nearly everv hidin the eighth grade bas contrili- uted something under the direction of Miss Perring, the grammar teach- er. The cover wiIl be in color if possible and the paper glazed instead I Stories 1 W*mee was represented recently ~ ~4~b at aine Township High school I I where a reunion-was'held for ail the I - people wbo had attended Camp Once there was a Christmas tree. He Hickory Hill last summer. was standing ini a living rootn next to The program was as follows,: first, a Grandfather clôck. He was fpot happy the general reunion witb' everybody beca us e be had just heard the boys say runn ing around looking for old that' they thought they were g oing friends; second, general sing when away for Christmas. He was. very ail the units' sang. two of their own, unhappy because he wanted to le a special songs; third, "colors." Christmas tree. Then the people- fromt the youngest ý Christmas eve arrivied but, they1 di d unit went swimi lng in the pool while notgo.At idigh SataClas cmethe rest, of. the girls were, watching down the chimney bringing lots of toys. movies taken during the, summer. When the boys came downstairs, tbey Following this. the other units went were very happy and.bad.a very irierry Swi mmiflg in order, of t heir ages. The Cbristmas.-John W. Nuzumn, Jr., Cen- rest ate -taffy, apples and talked or tral 3rd grade. watched the, sw.mming.,, When-the party broke up, everybody had haLd a Onc upn atu thre ivd alitiegreat deal of fun.-Frances Bickbam, « '0U WUIII4I anaUw4a J>UU ani ~a sn£iau ten children. One night befote Christmas they heard a* knock at the doir and who do you thiak it was? It was Santa Claus. And because they were poor, Santa Claus made them ail happy. They had a big tree and lots of toys' -Gloria Ann Balaban, Central 3rd grade. Village Green Skating Will Be "Extra Good" The skating pond on the Village Green is going to lie extra good this year. The 'Recreation board bhas put a fence ail around it and also fixed the skating bouse for the skaters. There are lights up on the roof which will cast a ligbt over the pond, at night. The boys and girls wha want to m4y pay 50 cents for a tel- skate ticket. If they do not have a ticket,they must pay a dimne every timé they go skating. Many children will, have much more fun this year thail t hey have ever had before.- Bill Whbite, HIoward 6C Pupils at'Central School Skating Pond Planned at Foot of Greenleaf Avenue There is going tô be a skatig pond at the foot of 'Greenleaf avenue on the golf course. There will be an admission of 10 cents for the up- keep of t he pond. Ten-skate tickets may be bought for 50 cents and eacb: person inust pay a diime or have a ticket. There will lie a fence sur- roundirig the pond to keep the chil- dren from sneaking in. Thée Rec- reation board is conducting the pond. -Carl Mayer, Stolp. 2C. Students in Sixth Grade Write Christmas Poemsý In Miss Johan.nson's room the sixtb grades are writing Christm;ts poerns at Central school. Tbey bave been writing ail week and some chul- dren wrote tbem at homie. The pupils write -tbe poems on scratch paper,j Drear Yul etide' Each room of Stolp sçhool bas re- membered. that there , are always families in Wilmette that won't have a1 very pleasant Chrigtmas. .'The, reason is becaiuse they haven't enough money.1 Therefore, the Stolp scbool1 pupils have ail decided to give themi -a merry Christmas. Each room wili. provide for one familir. The presents wili be things the pupils.have and are wiiling to give. Also they wiil plan a m nenu for a delicious Christmas dininer and give the, poor people ýthis dinner-Dorothy Faville, Stolp 1C. Eighth- Graders at Stol71 A dopt 2 Literary Periods Several weeks ago Miss, Chase asked the Stolp eighth grades if they would like to. bave two litera- ture periods. The answer was unanimous. Last Wednesday after- noon, IC had a literattire period and also last Thursday afternoon. The reason for the. two periods is that.. wben the class starts a, story it is not able to finish it. Then the next time literature period comes, the memibers have forgotten the story and the place. Everybody is glad to bave these two periods.-Hlen Mae Meves, Stolp 1C. Stolp 10 Plans toHold Christmas Party Friday Stolp lC is planning a Christmas party for Friday..afternoon, Decem-o. ber 21. The class members are going to bave refreshments, and' are goingý to~gé exbnefts. TbI-ursday, Decem-' ber 13, everyone wrote bis name on, a--slip of paper and. put it in a bat. Then everyone drew a name. To the person whose name was drawn, each pupil m~ust gWve a small gift. This bas been a great 'dpal of fun and wA be Dbasie IChristnas.- to 25, in a very close by giving the m-- I ýoey bail gamne Wed- they voted to hc iber 12. The next in- The room officer the gymnasium wili to take care of tl which starts after that was; brougi ith ýMendun, Stolp IC. Central scbool. a c and rold endi two wi January 7. seéms very fore it start it is ended a Stolp 2c. >s and tWo da Although the ong to most pe the time, sPeedýi too soon.-Bill eople be- s by and Fletcher, if, ward l 1