you and e IOeDaur yt 138 To4y (hr. Last Da 'OTCAST LADY»~ Fr1, Sat1, Dec. 21-22 THRE SURPRISE PICTURfEý 0F THE YEARI Dom,% FaN To Se MARIU GLANTEe tngvecsng ustai 1lui. ternatomal Intrigue a nm<I upy acirwtes im the Pana- ma Canial Zone A etartilag uw sta KETTI GALLIAN. SpencerTracy-Nad Sp.srks H" Morgan-Stepha Fetchit ID..,. open Sat. at M.:30 p...i, For, Kiddies Charistmnas Party One hour of extra ent.rtai*- ,ment. (First show ouly.) Startimg Sunday, Dec. 23 tct) you Mrs. David C. Leach, 1417 Forest- avenue, will ýentertain: the regular .sewing meeting of the Auxiliary at ber'home this evenipg (Thulrsday) ýat 8:15.'This would be1 a ýgood way for new meînbers. to get acquainted. Come. and enjoy the social hour and' belo, us keep up the good slogan: "layette always ready.", In addition to this meeting we will 'have *an in- terÉesting talk :on Fidac-by Mrs.'Ar- thur Johnson, and Americanism by Mrs. C. B.ý Cocbrai., DI VISION4 HOSTESS Mrs. George Pritchard, w'ho muakes her home witb ber daughter's family, the IMarvin T12rînseg.1020 UMia ichurch for John Cutler,'wbo is a freshman ai Dartmouth, is returning tomorrow to spend the Christmas holidays With bis family, the Henry t. Cutlers, 407 Central avenue. The Cutiers will entertain 'at a family dinner party for fourteen on Christmuas day. Friday and Saturday, December 21 and 22, the picturization Of Robert W. Chambers' romance of Civil War days, "Operator l3," will be shio*n with .a cast headed by Marion Davies and Gary Cooper. and siipported by jean Parker, Katherine Alexander, Ted Healy and The Four 'Milîs Brot hers. Fàmed Astronomer Will Lecture at Harris Hall -Dr. -Harlow Shapley,- director of the .Harvard obser'vatory and Paine Professor- of Astronomny, Will deliver a series of- six. lectures beginning January 9, I in Harris hall, ýNortb- western1 university, Evanston camp- us, as the annual presentation of the Harris foundation. .The subjci -wilU# c"Exploring the Galaxies,p> consisting. of reports from the astronomical workshop of this astronomer. Dr. Shapley discovered a spot in the constellation Sagittarius, proved it to be the hub of the beavens, and bas 'bad the name Shapley Center affixed to it in the officiai astronomnical books. The degrees be bolds are almost, as numnerous as the stars, he bas located, and he is a graduate of the HOME FROM SULLINS Miss Jane Carol Sundlof, 1533 reenwood avenue, will return on unday f rom Sullins college to pass r Christmas vacation with bier par-' its. Miss Sundiof decided. to come :>me instead of visiting ber brother West Point, deferning ber visit itil next sDrinoe. ~*4 Special breakfast for patrons who corne after 3 a. m. at moderate price. U ibbi. Phone .4 bl DEN ERICKSON WiInautte . Sund-Y a n d Monday, D e - cember 23, and 24; " L ove T i me,"the C h r is tma s show Tuesday, > portraying the immortal r o- George Armes. mance of Franiz Schubert, and "The Founitain" Wedniesday and, Thursday, December 26 and 27, an excellent pic- turization of Chbarles Morgan's great nove!. Gettinig back te "The Age of In- nocenlce": John Boles and Irene Dunne are a splenÛdid team. in the story that intellig.ently, interprets a great theme-love's sacrifice *for con- vention's. sake. Randolph Scott stars in "Wagon ~Vhel,"the dramatic -portrayal, of the adventures of the first wagon train to cross the country to Oregon in 1844. The picture off ers a grand ,songý and also the new~ discov.ert among child actors, 4 year old BilIy Lee. Real, refreshing, and entertaining, That describes "The Last Gentie.-, man." George Arliss carnies away honors in the titie role of this in- teresting character study of an ec- centric old man who can't decide on bis Ileir. "Love Time," a gem of scenery and music, shows the struggles of Franz- Schubert (Nils Asther) ; bis love for a princess (Pat Paterson), and the- efforts of ber father (Henry B. WaIt- hall) to separate thejn. Telling, one of the most powerfut love stories ever written, "The Foun- tain" is exquisitely produced, offering- a capable cast includlng Ann Hard- ing,' Paul Lukas and Brian Aherne. RETURNS FOR CHRISTMAS. The Misses Martha , and Emmà Bickham, who attend Grinneli college. will be home Friday to spend the holidays witb their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Biekham, 429 Ninth stree.t. The Rev. and Mrs. J. C. The H., O. Crews family, 522 For- est avenue, have as their guests un- til Christmas. Mrs. Crews parents, and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Walter S.' Stantonl and Miss Helen Stanton of [Urbana, 111.