Holiday Teatro del Lugo Seef Present More, Brillimt. grain 'he Vilpette theater and the 'Jeat- ro del Lago, companion theaters that they are, nevertlltleËà celebPate hoi-' day week hy. staging a good'natured rivalry in the presentation. of enter- taining, . interesting and worth-while pictures. It'S a' great gaine, though, and the public is the 'winnher. Wani to forget your troubles, by any. chance?. No, Old Do.c Critic isn't going to reconimend, bottled sunshine. He is, however .. going to prescribe a libéral treat ,ment of "S.tudent i: Tour" ai the W:l- mette tluater this Thursday and .Friav. \Vthw J i mmy Du1rante as a rouightieck c o, l1e g e athletic trainer, a n d Charles B u t ter- worth as an ab- sent-min4'ed pro-Jimmy Durante fesýO'r. it's ont of the season's mnost sparkling, screen musical corneWtes. This is the picture that introduces. the 'Carlo," sensational new hall- roorn dance that is sweeping theý ,,world, and iicludes a number of new. song hits. The cast inc ludes, in ad-, n> 'to 'sP ai ýew star,1 vtheater presents Gallian, Friday ai The exciting story involves kid- naping, attempted destruction of the United States naval, fleet, and »the heroic deeds of the governmnent of- ficiaI who tries to.defeat the plans. The talented cast includes, besides Miss, Gallian, Spencer Tracy, Ned' Sparks and. Helen 'Morgan. As for Miss Gallian, the critics are stili babbling ecstatically about her-so it might be a good idea te see if they are ýright. Starting Sunday, December 23, for five days. the Varsity offers a special holiday show, "One,,.Night of Love," superbîy récorded production starring the, gloriously v'ocal Grace Moore. One has lio qualiis of, conscienfce at attendilig this, musical, for every mnelody is worth hearing-Miss Moore sings a stirring -Carmen," a "Butter- flN," that deserves cheers, and some jcvely lighter t ns SBeautifully done with taste and authentic mutsical feeling and know- ledge, the st4-ry concerns an Amer- ican voice student (Grace Moore) who run out of' molley il, Italy and is dliscôivered singing in a cafe by maestro TuIlio Carminati, with whom she fails in love. Lyl'e Talbot plays the, anxious suitor. while Mona Barrie makes things uncomfortable for the maestro sucvess OKLAHOMAN ABROAD Ass s oon as Will Rogers had coin- pleted, his latest 1'ox film, "JUdge Priest,"' he .departed on; a world. tu,' accompanied by his wi.fe, and> two I-COMMUNITY 1 thLeatre Waumetka Frilar aiid Safturdy MARION DAVIES GARY COOPER (No Show Xmas Day) DOUGLAS FAIRANKS -.11H. f(>BIN8ON CRUSOE", and Wof i'tlsney's "THREE LITT'LE PICS", Matiuees 2 and 3:30 - Eve. I7Bandl9 156M Sheerman AVO. Uni. 3444 Tàuru., Fr1., Dec. 24-21 T1t.U14BDhJIqN-5ÔHN BOLES "Tuhe Age of InnOcence"ee Set., Def.2 '*Open ila.11 Extra-Matince Onlyl Klddies kmas Party and Rin-Tin-Tn, Jr. "ILamW.oethe.WlUd" The Roma F!RAI wlth Nljs Wed, :ortal terson, for new faces on the screen. Saturday, December 22, thec Wil- mtepresents Buck Joncs in the thbrilling,drama, "Whcn a Man Sees Present Screen Classic "Ciniarron," one of the truly great pictures of aIl time, will.teil in deep and powerful drama the story of the pioneer West, at the Wihnette thc- ater Sunday and Monday, December 23 and 24. Richard Dix and rene XKLrUIIy jurist an inmortal scrcen pesonality. Others il, the notable cast are Tomi Br,,wn, 'Anita Louise, Rochelle Hudson, .Henry B. Walthall, David Landau and Stepini Fetchit. "The Gav Divorcee," the screen's ncw musical comcdy sensation, shows at the Teatro from Sunday to Wed- ncsday,, December 23 to 26. There's no use~ trying to* describe the won- Mine1 Central Ave. Wi. U LVoors open Sac.-Sun.-Holidays at 1:30 P.oi. Show at 2 P.Mi. (Continuons) Doors Open Week Days at 6:3o P-m.,Show at_7 P-M.. Acta phon": Thurda riday, Saturday I Deceber 20me-2-2 Cobb'5 most nelovýedc aracter. Th e rote fits Rogers to a "T," and many wil1 want to attend this picture again and again ,just to learn what magic the great actor uses in maling the ghrewd, kindly and stropng-willed & un 1122 Centr* Ave. Edmund Lowe. - Rutbh tting Gloria Stuart- Paul Lukas 3~00 Pauliue Extra acba7 1 1