other from the Lawson Y. MC. A. of Chicago on Saiurday afternéon. The New Trier junior team iost a practice nicet to Waukegain last week-end, 34 !to 32. -Ail boy. swimi- miers under .16 ytars of age conpete as embers of. the junior teamn. B1li Beéebe, .NeW Trier's crack 100- yard back s troke man, was an out- standing performier in tboth the Uniý- versity Hig'h and tbe .Lawson meets He, Won this event on both days. HiS tume against Lawson was 1 minute. 6 7/10 seconds, unusuially fast for so young a swimmer, according to Edgar B., Jackson, the New Trier swini-. ming coach.. Against University Highi Beebe ýcoveredthe distance in ii- ute 7 1/10 seconds._ Win R.Iay E*Ont New Trier won both tbe 160-yard relay and medley relay events and, t ook several otber first places to beat Ujniversity High, 46 to 29. Beebe ewar op thee dtey relay tearn withi 4ack and Klein. On the 1640-yard îelay team for New Trier were Klein. *Reich, Paulson and Ullricb. Ullrieli took first place and Paulson second in tbe 40-yard f ree style event. Bar- nard copped another first place for Newv Trier ini diving. Other boys contributing to New Trier's total of 46 points ini the Uni- *versity High meet and the place they won were: Z.ner, second, and Mgck, third. in the 100-yard breast stroke:, and Simon, îrnra, in diving. "'va; 1 a junior swinumer, was used by Coad-I J'ackson as :i member of the senior team. He shows great promise, ac- cording to the coacb. Take SafoLeÎ. The score of the -Lawson meet was 40O/2 to 34½ 2in~ favor of New Trier., Besides the first place copped bv Beebe jn the back stroke event, New Trier also won the 160-yard relay and took frst ini the 100-yard breast La wry, son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Botthof, 156 Abingdon avenue, Kenil- wortb, reture Wednesday fromn Lawrenceville for the hoIîdiys. -0- Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Loucks, 234 Sheridan road, will entertain sixteen gUests a a family Christmas dinner. New Trier. He won the 40-yard and' 60-yard free style events i 21.5 and 34.6 seconds respectively., Wilder: took first: place- for. New Trier in the 40- yard back stroke, his time hein' 29.3 second 's., Spinney of New Trier. was first in diving. HOME FRHOLIDAYS Missý Caroine. Roberts returned, Tuesday. from lihei junior year at Smith colIlege to spend the ý holiday 'vacation with ber parents., Mr. and Mrs.ý John M. Roberts of 328 Wa r- wick road, -Kenilworth. 'Her sister, Martha, a. student at Monticello seminary in Godfrey, Ill., alsô're- turned ,Tuesday. Bob Joslij, 240 Essex f oad, Kenil- worth, spent the week-end at Ann Airbor where he visited hiS -frother, Dick. at the University of Michigan, and attended the Alpha Delta bouse- party. Dick is- returu ing Friday for the Christmas vacation. Mr,. and Mrs. Oliver Barrett and son, Roger, of Kenilworth, and Miss Sarah Adams of Evanston, will fol- low their annual custom of being dinner guests Christmas of the Ed- win Hedricks of 304 Meirose avenue, the winter at tbe hotel in, Chicago. lore. Moscow and Berlin, spending a year. ini London besides. jean Deuss, their dauighter, is making bier home this year with* the Krantzes and attendingi the Orrington scbool. HERE' FOR. CHRISTMAS Laurence 0Tbrompson, Knott,'ofRye, N. Y.,- will spend. Christmas and the New Year's witb Mrs.. Knôtt and their two. children, who are visiting Mrs. Knott's parents, Mr. and. Mrs. Burt CroWe, 234 Raleigh road, Kenil- worth. Miss Marion Bent, 2000 Beecbwood avenue, wbo teaches at St. Mary's. Scbool for Girls at Concord, N. H., will return Friday to spend her holi- day vacation with ber parents, the C. Howard Bents. Charles Bemis; a student at Phil- lips academy, Andover. is returning to spend the bolidays witb bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. Anthonyj. Bemis, 337 Raleigh road, Kenilwortb. Mr. and Mrs. Scott S. Smith, Jr.. of Washington, D. C., are arriving Friday noon to spend the holidays with their families in Wilmette. 0o Mr. and Mrs. .Grant Ridgway, 2071 *Mrs. George: Jones, 318 Oxford road, Kenilworth, will be luncheon" hostess to ber sewing club Friday. CHA MPION A T TUE J UMPS. John, Harnett's White Night, ridden here by Miss E1lenor Berger of 306 Keiilw-zorth aven ue, Kenilworth, was declared 'the reserved hunter's champion in the $ 1,000 champion jumiper stakes at the horse.show held ip crrnectionuith the recen t In 1ternational Live Stock Show, at the new Dexter Pailîon. This flise jumper has wvon mon 'other titles inrcetso. tion, ýare ail related, to the Uld Testament and the New Testament Scriptures concerning Christ. >A cast of thirty-th.ree,. supplemented by tbirty c.hildren, a, chorus of twenty-. five, and a directors' group of twenty- Ifive, wiil present the pageant-drama. The scenes are as. follows: Part I - Prophecy Sc~ene 1-Tue Hil of Moab, 1 Prophecy of. the. King's Natin Scene 2-The :Palace of David Prophecy of the: King'i3 Ancei4ry Seene 2-The: House of Iqalàh, Prophecy of the King's Deity e ezïe 4-The Houise of Mary Prophecy of the, Klng'à Mother Scene 15-The Inn at. Bethlehem- lProphecyý of the Rejectioni of the Kin'g. Part IL - Adoration Svene 6-The Manger at Bethlehemi SAdoration of the Cherubs, Sceiite 7-Týhe Fields of Bethleheni Adoration. of the Angele Scene 8-The Manger at Bethlehein Adoration oF the Shepherds Ad)ration of the Chlldren 8tcefe !-The Road toi Bethlehm ýWiti the Manger Aýdoration of the Magi Fiti.ie--Frnsiible (f the Ca.tt aidthe. audience. The sceixes wili be intersperstd with nusic: piano solo; "lAil Hail Thir Power"; violin solo, "The First Noel,"' 'Charles Krenier; quartet, "Silent Night." Mrs. McCormick, Miss Vera lô'hnson, Maxwell Rust, Paul Vene- klasen; piano solo, 'Take My Life neIVGUs V vvatcne cU ,LIVIuLJ LnorIus "A-av in a Manger";- priffary. chorus, "Wind Through the Olive. Trees ", junior chorus, "Therc's A Sonîg in the Air"'; trio, "We Thire Kings of ,Orient Are," Messrs. Ed-. ward Otis,.Harold McCorînick. XWil- liam Gibson; ensemble, -As WVith Gladness Men of Oid." The doors wiil open at 3:;45 o)'clock4 and seats will be provided up to the' ,capacity of the Asseînbly hall. The church invites the public to ciijoy this vesper service.. -o- Miss Marie Aider, a freshman at Chevy Chase scbool in Washington, D. C., is returning today to spend the.holiday vacation with-ber'parents. ;Mr. and Mrs. James, W. Aider of 931 Greenwood avenue. I