ltVilliain Hf. Scott,.420 Warh- intnavenue, wilm > ehm sbeen atctorded the honor- of servig for ihe second tine as commanader of livanston Camp, No. 57, l' 'ied Spaniish-Aiti-ercait War Veteraeis- iIfc?»dershLdp i Mis >camp incluides -vetervis residing in al i'he iiorth shrevilages. M r. Scott ifrst served as com- miander of the unit about 21 years ago. He was elected recently to again serve in that capacity. At the installation ceremonies beld' January 3, Mr. Scott was inducted by A. F. W. Siebel. past Advocate General of the lie wore during his first term. Nir.T Scott is also aide de camp to the national commander of U.S.W.V. .Officers of Evanston camp, in ad- ditioni to Mr. Scott who were in- ciucted January 3 include H. E. ClagS stori. senior vice-commander; F. W. Richards, junior vicemcomrnander; ..D. J. Blaauw, adjutant; A. Seaborg,~ quarterruaster; James G. Cronkite, coticer of the day; L. E. Youngquist, Àoflicer of the day guard I 1-ous, and one daugnterg Marian Jane, 16 years old. Mr. Mottschall had been a resident of Wilmette for the past twenty years. He was connected, in. the, capaeîty of secretary-treasurer, ýwith teCentral States Contract Reporter, a trade journal, Published in Chicagoý. Robert Townley Tells of Trip toMxcoCt Robertý W. Townley, director of physical education at the joseph Sears school -an Kenilworth, gaýve a talk at thé regular weekly luncheoni of the Glencoe- Rotary club on Tues- day., Mr. Townley.discussed the tnp hé madelto Mexico.City duringthe Ch ris tmas haliay.-L-The convention of Rotary International is-to be held ni Mexico City next lune, and the G-lencoe Rotarianis were given an op- portunity to ask Mr. Townley ques- tionus (concerr4aiaffneêrtravel to the capital of Mexico. VISIT IN 'EAST -Mr. and Mrs. William Harridge, 1440 Forest avenue, left on Thursday of last week for a ten day visit in Atlantic City. Their son, Bill, wbo attends Culver Military academny, bad as his guest during the Christmas holidays a classmate, Bill Newton, of Honolulu. of Starting Trouble ..wth an, EXTA ANC WNESAP ctisýp ICESER Lettuce ,;OLID TrENDER, * *e M DIIM 5c * ee *PECK S *~~ e *e u 25c CRISP FRÉSH....had15 <cIS FeSH C.Iry . ... ....**.... .* . .2stiks 17e SUNNV CANE SUGAR e e~pî .."i~100 0SLOW,.g OAReO±Le. DOL 7c EE . . . &2, IRU a f L& j19< U. . . 2SPKOL 23C r HAM$ 'K'MO&La.i /2 PORK. *. . . L& 9 me's&VL&&. e Tisere i. one near your home-se. .ddr.ess page 20 a." sispaper. IL"stm.. Eveeston 6ea., a. 0e.. ','w 0 * ES 3 CANOO-225c 2 MM>L& S3c