WeýWANTyom .ýt. OMI>ARE Iredade Pie mdIredale Qaiti*y Monday, February 4, bas been set aside by the officers of. Sea Scout Ship Oimette as guest iiight. Ail Parents. and f riends. of Sea -Scouting. are cordially invited to attend ,as weil as past, present and prospective: members of the ship. Several reels of filmàs wîll be ýshown. and a talk on "Sea Scoutinig".' will be given. Nautical instruments. and other practical boat equipmient wilI l)e 'on display. ON THE WATER TeArgo, flagsbip of Sea Scout Ship .Onilmnette.ý will he one of the first *boats in Wilmette harbor next spring, said Wr. C..Huggins, skipper of the ship. The Argo is. an old Coast guard cutter carrying approximately 250 'square feet of sail. She is 25 feet long, weighing 2,500 pounds, and is capable of carrying twenty-five people. Purchased five years ago from the Sturgeon Bay, Wis., coast. guard station, she has proved her- self wvell stitied t(> Sea Scout work. -RO.H. tWeek The first meeting for 1935 of the executive board of the North Shore Area council was held Monday night, January 14,. n the Boy. Scout office, 21 North Sheridan road., Highland Park. President Henry Fowler pre- sided over the meeting. The' board reviewed ,membersh.ip and program accomplîshments of 1934 and discussed and-app roved objec- tives for the year 1935. Reports of the finance, budget, and Silver Beaver Award committees, were heard and accepted. President Fowler appointed' ait anrwal meeting committee and- a silver jubilee and scout Jamboree committee to work out the. details of certainprojects for the 1935 pro- gram.- Those committees were to supplement the work of varifous other committees permanently organized ini the counciL. Special proj ects receiving the at-- tention of the executive boardl with lnaming of committees tô work out the details of, each were the, Scout- masters' Appreciation dinner to be held February 22 and. an ail-council Mothers' Day rally to be beld May.12.. Special items to enrich the general couincil program for 1935 were pre- sented. discussed and approved.- National Jamboree Stirs Interest on North Shore Rennests are beginninoe to reach SALE 0F 5-PJECE Moderne Clussic Dinette Sets. $2950 combines in the table a rich walnmi, nid world finish with new whte base and legs. The chairs arc sturdily bnili and upholstered in, brown .leather ette. Set :incides table ýand four'.chairq ai% thi$- Iow price.. As aèown vbove Amferica. J.ebruary 8 wil bè the twenty-fifth aflniversary of the move- nient and the beginning of the silver. jubilee celebration which will be cli- maxed by the National Boy Scout jamboree to be held in Washington, D. C., fiext August. North s hore troops, art planning Scout Week celebrations of their own, many of them having a parents'. night and scout shows as a feature. Part of that progrtam is to be an ail-council observation of Scout Sun- jamboree from the North Shore Area council and their selection' will be based upon qualifications and stan-. dards to be set by the jamboree com-, mittee named Monday night at the executive board meeting.. There., are to be eight scouts going to.,the Jam- boree froni Wilmette, one f rom Kenilworth, eight froni Winnetka and four from Glencoe. CntrlAvenue et Sheridan tend IflhId o.drk 181 4Y..rs .1 Suiau Ius.griry m the North Short" 1 ne 1iAusi Norman 1 tiares for nially. Yards, Df the attrac- lendar. ,r is by lie pic- peren- ion on t Icwell w escout IN PIANO IRÉCITAL Billy Turgeon of 1709 Lake avenue wiil appear in the, children's piano recital at Lyon and Healy's, Chicago, thjs Saturday, playing "Liebestraim" *by Liszt. Billy is a pupil of Mrs. Eulalie. Stade of, Wilmette.