The opera is being directed by William 111. Knapp. The musical coach is Nina Shumway Knapp; the stage director, Victor Charles Jones, and the scenery is being, designed by *John Hanny.> Mlembers of the, cast are as Iollows- Pearli Hoose, Erminie; Gertrude [)olke, Cerise;-. Helen Rudolph, Mar-, je; :Mrs. Pbilip Fox,. Princess; Lois. 11cVicker, Javotte. Lorin C., Collins, Marquis.;, Dr, William E.. Rusch, Chevalier; Charles E. Lutton, Ca- deaux; G. Bunn, Guest, Ravennes; Raymond H.- Johnson,. DeLauney;î Bert Johnson, Ernest; Thomas Hill, Simon; James Deem, Eugene; Leon- ard R. janes, ýDufois. North shore people who are takcing partin the chorusaranre Dorothy 'AI- vord, Eleanor Kestin, ErnlestiineBeh- rçns, Betty Chew, Helen Delbler, Fredrica Doike, Rebecca- Fitch, Eve- lyn" Frank, Margaret Colt, Virgïinia Knapp Colins, Katherine Gnaedinger, Florence Holtz, Hazel Knudseii, j Louise Lar sen, Katherine Lawrence, Lois McVicker, Vera Strom, Flora Ernst, Robert Abrensdorf, L.. Ken- tiethi* BaIl, Charles Deibler, Wesley Gratz, -Hubert L. Hardy, Bert John- son,, G. S. Bartieson, William C., *Keeran, William Green, and Clifford ('ephart. 'lie orchestra is conîpiosedl of Lu- cille Turner, Arthur H. E'ast, Marie Kreger, George Grornines, violins ; * viola, Mrs. Clarence Evaiis, Betty Biesemeier; cellos, Ethel Norton, \,argaret Noteware; bass, Grant Mac-, t-,eaii,; f lute, A. T. Koclane; clarinet,' Wilbur Smith; horns, Albert E. H obbs, Theodore Lundgren; trom- b lone, Lind Johnson, Those Who have heard "Ermiinie" and are going again will enjoy reçal- * ling some of the well known numbers such as "Ah, When Love Is Young,» 'Pasý.t* and Future," "DuIl Is the Life mof the. Soldier in Peace,". "We'ýre "à Philàtithropic Couple, Be It Knowîx," -At Midnigbt on My Pillow Lying," 'L)ear Mother, in Dreams I See Her" -which is better known as the u- * lab,' *Dark Is the Hour," "\Vlhat thîe Iicky Bircis Say" with a whisti- i r é~ i A. "isr-boy! I hope.tlueres plu#t of FUEL WL loft a our tank at ein! .Fi Pick your ,waret Standard Stationifrom the lUst bulow:: *Watch> the- rate of .your, fuelco nsumpti*on in weather lilce this! Insure your home comfort -keep your tank filled! Keep it filled with, Wilmette 3428 CALL GRFenled f20M0 For Night and Ho1lday Service, of Section 10, is directing the cnven tion. S Mrs. Harold E. Spinney, 927 Ash- land avenue,' Wilmet te, was hostess ther luncheon bridge club yesterday