IMUNJTY' IN ~&oesy fusdy ndFridmy, Jamuaa RacIuaiv. Sàwiog North . aae HY( icorne frorn Thiis sermnon la given on the occasion Indian type avocado.) In each of Ths is their of: the national conference for the these classifications there are many or places on upbuilding of Palestine gathered at varleties varying widely ini outward but accord- Washington. Music at the services appearance-and in quality. There will be as follows:. are on,.the Anierican market at vari- IrRE Tov 'Hodos. ........ Goldfarb otis times during the year, West In- ?.T KA Borchu........I.ý,. Sch1esinger dian type avocados f rom Florida and Shema :Sehieshigerý Cuba,, Guatemnalan type avocados y, . Michomo.ho . chlesi - o.r Tzur Yisroel ...... LaIntnàn rm Forida and-California, Mexican Kedusha........ T.yler-Ideloohn' type avocados from California, and May the àW.ords.. . . delsohn calavos from California. Anthem-"'By the Watere of Rabylon"-. 'rteroe Brefi, hîslewhat: calavos are: SoIô"'HakoséI- (Die bla ur) J. - ]nËel There are hundreds and. hundreds of Mies Lucilile Long, varIeties of avocados, withiwldeiy differ- Va'Aniachnu ............Binder Ont characterlstics, al l ncluded lin the Largo........ .......... Periman general botanical famlY of hat name. Elohenu ...............Stark Growers in Oalifornia, ih h'ooea 71c Agriculture and by meanis of scientillc Mr. and Mrs. Frank ,Robcrts of qeléction, and cultivation, have produced Phildelpia.,are hé gestsof r ourteen varieties of a new and very ________ Roberts' sister, Mrs. WVendeIl Clark, superlor type -of fruit. The growers eolned the calavo name for this new >11 Kent road, Kenilworth. tp ffutjs i h ae'Yug hYbrid type of berry producod by cross- breeding the Loganberry with the cm mon dewberry. IThere are se many types and varleties ofavocados now produeed ln Florida and ~Clifor'x4a that you c.ould n*ot pick. upl your telephone and ask your grocer roi' tbree "avocados" any more accu- 1ratûIy than >You could order a basket of "berrnes" and a "melon.", However, yen can ordêr three calavos and know that Se lic tJ U S 'Ou wînl get a definite type of fruit with #smooth flberless fiesh, easily removabie skin, a relâtively emall seed, a uniforin nut-Ilike flavor, and a hlgh o11 content. 1An Illustration cf the wide variations 7~ln the dIfferent types of avocados, Is this Shigh cil content frein which calavos get thi hrceite lvr solcn ~tent Increases flavor lncreases. Cala- vos. have a milnimum maturity require- West Virginia Ham, cornes to you- Ready for Your Table Slice and serve cold or thor- oughly heat in skillet or grill and serve with- eggs. The growers' assoeIatiDn, wh ich repre- # qents al but a sinali partrcf the, Indim- Stry * was active ln sponsoring the re- seai ch woii< whlch developed the flew;- Sty pe of fruit. This association o'>Hgi- Snated the calavo naine. Therefoiq, they Swere justified in doing ,something wlth, thts flew naine Which has neyer been jdune in agriçultural marketing before. IInstead of releasing the name for gen- '1eral use, they havre protected the corsn- Esurnies and theins4elv-e8 by rnaistaining, ownership of the 'rame, and seerng that It Is only used for fruit of the partieular superior type andl quality whichit k; in-. , KENILWORTH Ienlworth Market Kenllworth 197 Wagner-Borr. Market < C enlwottb65P 1 lPeters Market, Wlnnetka1 Tarrant Meat Market Winnëtka 066 LAKE FOEST COmrmu'ritY Service Grecery- & Markcet Lake Forest 1500 LAKE IBLUFF Lake Bluff 'Market Lake Bluff 177 There was no meeting of t he' Young People's Sunday Evening club of the Kenilworth Union church last Week, most of the members hiaving attendeci the concert of the Paulist choir at, New Trier High school. 1,co New -Difjferent -D