day, jan.uary 22, at the Palme r House in the Gold ballroom. Mrs. E. Morrison Peter, is the chairinan. Since 1893, tbis home lias beeîi helping belpless women and cbildren. It stood then, as'it stands toda in a larger'capacity, -as a hope and a promise to. those in trouble., It must he remembered that. a, Home is usu- ally a last resort. The circumstance that directed the girl or woman into its doors is an unhappy one. No other solution presents itself to the one who asks for aid. Entering this .homne nçans that thé young girl, or older woman is seeking protection for herself and cbildren.frorn soin: taken in ýwitli sympathetic under- standing, no.questions.are asked at the time, but1 food, àhelter and clothing given. Its motto is "Help First: Iii- vestigate Afterwards." Dr. Sarah Hackett Stevenson, presi- dent of th~eCcfago, Woman's club and a devoted lover of humanity. or- ganized this Home after the World's fair in 1893. She saw the dire need of some women, at that turne. She obtained coopération from' the niem- bers of the. club and opened a sinall home, taking care of nine women. It grew so rapidly that larger quar- ters were soon sougbt. These werc made possible- by the late Senator years, succeeded him.* Sirice that time the home expanded until it was necessary to add to its quarters and it now has four large buildings adjoining the original ont. :Miss Martha J. Moe is president of the organization. Last year its family cünsisted of 482 differeîit w onen and 434 different childrea. The month of December averaged 154 women and children a <av iu IlaVEJIE, ~Uba, TO VIsit uer Gaugn- [wul ter and fatuily, the. William Heag- IMr neys. tha LN-S 4 1SI2 -ji We are g otbe iii onieE]RAND HURlEUR for the next fe w weeks. t. ur preseuit store., ELEVATOR FAoeI[Er]FS te BeINSTALLED, Tickets inay be obtained from Mrs. i.J. Brasseur 33j Sheridan road, Winnetka 673, or.Mrs. I. V. Edgerton 436 Sunset road, Winnetka .4b3U., Wilmettie residents may' purchae Edgar Am Stevens, lie EVA NS TO0N