«rEAT ORCHESýTRA: A, HUGIE STAGE REVUE P'LUS ON ,THIE SCRkEEN WlÎh GEORtGE RAFT JEAN PARKER In the, match. bel W. Yotmgquîst an bath their gaines1 Vigbuson ddtbe In tbe.match betu C. Nelsted of Ice ane to, win bothi 1M. Major will in the club, chani AIl Wîlmette cheë by regîstering Fri 18 or by mailins Youngquist, 211. mette. Saine 425 news st. ' ed A Aus 1o-Preêim Merda WÈ LIVE AGAUN', Fri., Sat. Sun-, Jan. I8-19-2 Lincoin a AbULT Eveg. tru or dvisin led bythe Valencia tea enjoying. ~r divsion lad byter Tbursday of Ti ek Marlowe's tragedy, "Dr. tween the first teains this week. ii Faustus" and ShalcesPeares dan id eore Sonewon.. iday and Satur- it.welfth'Night" comprise the e'vening for Wilmette,'and L' . ' a, h adec program. "King Lear" wIli besenat sae orIcladi.will be tbrilled by the miatinees of Thursday,, FridaY, and ~ee tb seon tem ~ ; ~: Secret of t h e Saturday. élandic was the only Chateau," nwib Th rga for the week. of Janu- (;eorge E. Stone, ary 21, which closes the. Chicago deen isciytii Alice White and enaemn of the Shakespearean Play-, dpions hi it' toua et .Jck aRue, have crs, will be "The Taming aof the Shrew" ss payes my eterthe principal role.adMdum rNihs Dreamiith day evening, January Henry HUM G t ExPecta- evening; at tbe nmatinee, "AII's Wel t .ecletThat Étnds Well" and "Twelf th Night.": 9 Pthr.etry 10 Wil filmn version of'Charles Dickens' story,ý "Twelfth Nigbt, given for *the first F~ourb steet, Wi-wll, introduce Henry, Huil, renowned turne January,'14, is the newest play stage star, to Valencia patrons Sunday in the Old Globe, Players' repe rtory. kETU.BE and, Monday,. Jan- The lovely Jackson Perkins plays the LETS BET uary 20 and, 21. part of Viola,- Carl Benton Reid is: paper critics' of mo- Others wbo. help . cast as Sir Toby' Belch, Irene Tedrow d MGM's "The Bar- preserve the charin as Olivia, John A. Willard as Sir .An- le Street" tbe best of t h e original drew Ague, Lauren Gilbert as Orsino, '~a ii Flm aitys ~tJ-y~re billps-Rhys Wiliami as the sea çaptain, Rus- The House of ftot'hs- so1mes, G e o r g e sell Spindier as- Antonio, iElsie flvorak 4rtists, was a close Breakstoni, J a n e as Maria, Donald Gallagber as Mal- Wyatt and Flor- vol io, Borts Aplati as Curio, Charles, ence Reed. 'rues- M1cCarthy as Sebastian, Jack Wooley day and WVedne- §; as Valentinc, Jack B. Nestle as Fabian. IIJN ITY ayd 23. arv 2t2 and Bertram Tanswell as the clown. *~an 23. aB p rrbtivey and Walter Coendly The Globe Players' interpretat ion of -CH L eENt c o mi g etertaind- Twelfth Night" bas proved to be an- ý-RL Rat.1e 0mnt.-CTeHalesthe ,,otber of tlieir consistently excellent M. -mat. st :0 mn,"h Captain aeth Sea." performances, having been directed in. r-Saur&yEveryone will enjoy boarding the !"i> the mranner Shakespeare hituself aP- -Satur il and meewting Walter .Connolly, captain 'IHfGHCREST P.T.A. NEWSI The Higbcrest Paretit-Teacher asso- ciation held its first meeting of the ne-W year Tuesday evening, January 8, at. the scbool. Herbert Kusmertz, new president of the organization, presided. During the business session it was de- cided to give a supper dance in the near f *iire. and has been a, AbdulI-Baba and Guardian of the . Acca and Hagifa.. erei 100 Boys Turn Out for BasketbaI1 Practice, The first basketball practice of the' season 1 was held 'at the joseph Sears scbool, Kenilwortb, last Saturday. One bundred boys turned out, Robert W. Townley, director of physical education at the school, report.s. Kenilworth again will bave teains in. 9Q, at. 3:30 a'clock. teacnes nere once a week. ident of Wilanette equent' visitar ta Mrs. Merritt Dement, 337 Ahbots- hogbi Effendi the fard road,. Kenlworth, wîll entertain ha'i Faith, in bath a bridge faursomne at luncheon Fri- day. y-Pul Luà