001 or mldrahe 2811Z1rot ~ Wlumets 4*. Wmuska 80ê Wlnntkb Re ater 4 P. IL). _________________or_______________ [t uA- nMi M LOO-.LSTwUE 'IN NOVEUME -eB hstlaid *he.p dogblc with whlte bnaatm Md .3.818',ei t. nane Dli.Cal inirnetka 31 LOTc - BLACK PERAN cAT, AT. moru.Pieuse rturu ber to 1712 Zini- wood Aves. and recelve reward. Fiamlly Pet. No quetions. WllMette, 1704. 3LTN8I-lte Lpst in Wlnnetka eYarsE. BROWI4PURSU IMTTEPRED P. IL E. c nnw glasses and mlacellaneous artcle, Wnntka 2472. Reward. 3LTN37-ltp %ucTIncm mA1A AUCTHON KON)jDAy AN) TUESDAY January 21 and 22 at il A. M. and 7:30 P. M. A large amortmelit of furniture, such au Hlgh. Boys, Chests, Dressera. Lamps, 134lnlng Room Suites. Tables. Buffets, Chairs. Books, Pictures, Rugs, aiso a large séection ot Antique Glaosware, SIverware P.wter, etc. Ail mierchan- dise must L. 4lspoeed of.. a"* Um8ANDPff@lY THE FARM HOUSE TRESH DE1SEDPOULTRY 19 JAL- ways. delcos roasting chioken stewlng e, o ay ther foui freshly dressedl han a lavor that a -storage bird dosnt'e.orarmhul olty alwys old at d Prsse eg.oith our tacilities ye mnuntes le ample tlm*J tdresu and draw your bird. THE FlARM flOUSE EMas are Stili 4 doz. for $1.30. TRY HOARDS c*REAMnRy BUTTE. FI0M F". ATKINSON0 FOR PREIN DELIVIERY PHOt5 C Greenleaf 3460 W NlmtteU. 41- PINOVOLIN AND A STRING Instruments by 'Paul F. Corlmby ut your home. Reas. price. Write B-50, Box 40, WlImette, Ill. or phone Spauld- 10g 9863. 38JLTN37-4tp 1t51y onusfor inteilligent selectioflu of domentie emPloYees. .Frank's, Domestie Bureau Flhbu.Rd aà c. BURNS> 4r1 R c m o l l R . K enll Wo t , I 4'21 . Village Hlaill enhlWorth SM2 ULTN3l-1tC COMETNTHELP >NO40CHammGETO EMPLOYER HUceut «VlcS for North Shore ihomes WUâ INVMBTGATE REFERNCES Pauline s Empi. Agency« WILMETTE 2171 FouwthM MdLiaden Omste;w 'Ter. EXPE RIENCED HELP WIC SPfCIAULI IN IGH GRADE domUc elpail nationalîtes. No chaffe to employers. Reterences lu- us*tgMto& ndor, StatesupervWBoft Reinhart's Empi. Agency M4 IM St. $Lunet U9 DOtniMESTIC HEL? No Cargeto Employer Lindgrcn Empi. Agency Ewtabflsbed 26 y«er M3 Hlm St. Wlnn. 1047' Mra. Montonaro, Kenil. u9sî-Laund.ress, . ay work. Mrs. Connley-Kenill.110S--Lê.widreme, day work. M!.PhllllpU-_Wlflf. 344-Laàundresa, day work. Ethel montonaro--K,0flhl. 1951-CI.erigAl work. Any further Information cmi b. Obtalned from Mr@.. Hugh PeýtermSi, Kenlworth 2«Q. mployéntChairn.ian.. .1 2610 EmpoYmOlt ?LTN437-4tp Frank's Domestic .Bureau.. 421 RI CHMOND RD-, KRNIL.WORTH 2ND FLOOR VILLAGE HAL . KENILWORTH 5in1 Alil domestIC employees register w.ith Us and learu about our, co-operatl"e Plan. FAKC. BURNS, Mgr. 70ILTN371-lte Pauline's-ýWilmette REGISTER NOW 1Gen. niaides seconds, cooks, couPlesi. Pauline's Empi. Agency 4th and Linden Opp. **L' Ter. 71LTN37-lte W CA? tYsE AL THUI lOMES¶'IC help we can get. Good salaries S9-H-A-Y, 14 W. Washlngtofl St, Central 9800 or 109 E. Oak St. SuperJor 608.- 71LTN37Itc CO)MPETENT WHITE HELPWANTED' wlth good references. Apply ln person. ALL EMI>LOYMENT SERVICE 668 Vernon Ave. Glenoos 851 71LTN13-tfe YOUNG GIRL FOR GENERAL flOUSE- work, no, coolclng ; no laundry. $5 or $6. Referenoes. Phone Glencoe 670 aFter 6:30 P. m. 71L37-ltp WANTED - MAI» PROM 1 TO 7 P. M. Must cooi. Hiomie niglits. No Sun- dnays. $6 er week. Phono Wilmette CANA *UStN~ ~viom I U LHDCTEIO W MEL D 1N G.-BOILER red- Broberg wole utoiotivemie shop and PAVLIK BROS. IS PHfONE KENILWORTII 280-820 VERT RBABOI< 1*TN25i-26tn <C. W. AMNDEON JAJL~JJ No ChARGETO EMPIiOTERS ____________ OLTNIS-tfc Nursery Governess rG EXCELLENT N. S. REFEREJNCES, D ith eIW Hiospital training. Winnetka 1454. table and vry 68LT37-Itp 1 nterlor work. gors. Entimates NURSE WOULD LIKE CARE 0F 1 OR 2 small children by week, day, or4 eveningr. Neat sewing. Beot rets. Wln-ý Bi101nta508"j. 6L37-tp1 42LTN28-tfc YOUNG WOMAN WITH EXPERT- CORATING once as practical nurse would like to VRo tale care o elther Invalld or children. WHiTE PROTE-STANÏT GIRL gen. haiwk. 4 adultlà. *$6 weel room. Ph. Wlmette 1442. ILI. *hffLp WANTUPo-MAL5 MAN4 WANTED - YOUNG MAI man.preferred. Must be able to referenes and $60 cash bond. and .o~rmla*son. Write B-70,1 Wilmtt., II.*72LTJ s mdmte.,i MOT1 o. eats Bank , ; 8LTN81-Stq e i £ q service, legai rates R. LOAN0. gý. zwanston. Gre. 8on0 hour* I..