MMS. I'LLER-& WM. PICICARD 746 UIM strtetWinnetkça$601, 111LTN437-tce WA^NWÇD TO boy--"ouU W» HAVE CLIENTr DESiRINU 1 EN- gileshor Colonial, homne, lnWinnetka -brick and stone or tinîber and stone. 4 bedrms., two bath»'. *21,00 csh Call Mrs. Wakeman. THE. BILLS RIEALTY, hic. 529Davs' t, EvistliWilmette 2740 GoOOD 60 PT. LOT ABOUT 5 BLOCKW to. transportationi. Owner ituat sacri- fice -for cash, l0e thaï " $30. per foot. ëevreral other good values ln vacent afid mproved. - B. H. BARNET14 .'U4Oefter St. Winnetka 966 il 4LTN37-ltp ONCE -IN A LIFE TIME WINNETKA N/MCANT ATý $25 PR f t excellent lomatiml n etate 1gestIoti 99k200 ft. It wili "*pay" toi own such property or speculate.* Mrs. Brownl. TEBILLS REALTY, Inc. 529 »AVIS 'ST., EVANSTON Greenleaf 1166 Wilmette 3740. 114LTN37-lte WANTUP-D-FROM 2 TO 5 ACRI new Skokie Blvd. with or bidg., ln Lake Countv. Must b4aý Write B-69, Box 40, Wilinetf e, 1161 .itp. HOFFMAN 244 ACRES, 3 MILES Wetof Palatine. Plans miade for »oW 6&room hous barn now on the farni a several ;oeher useful buildings. practiOaU7 level land, located on Chi- ckuo Avenule. This tract of land has a wonderfui-location and we are no* imstuim:aîew hu end resairinws.'ýl yeâr. jÀneraia 5UUwance Uon ytur oaý eleaner. Prîces range from1. Sme eleaners at 734 Elm St. (rear) Winnetka IPSO, ÈC-IT -8H10F, 2 DOUBLE ýBEDS, 2 MAIl. DRESSEtS, g, logmirror, i1 Chiese Oriental 9Dx2 l large Oinrug. 1i-Wllt6in rug SxlO, ige. mati, table, 7 diin, t,». chairs i buffet,1. emali t able. Muet soui, îeafn# City. Phono Kenilworth 2383. -î PCS. GNUINE M114TON UANIA tree and bird patter», oeil ono-flft ictuai Value .for qulck* sale. Perfeot. 1-pc. SbleMfeld: silver .plated servi0e met. 1wlne glasses that. have beaut..bell ring. <beal bargain. May bc, ' en at Lindwall'a, î8-Oalc St., Wlnnetka. 129LTN7-ltp TWIN BEDS $10. COOSWELL CHAIR Sand Ottoman, 812; Simmonsl cot, $3; doil furniture and bouses; lamps; openi aheif book case,*$7.50; grey rug, $1Z.i Wlnnetka2067. ____129LTN37-ltpi SETH .THOMAS CLOCK, $2; CHERRRY bookease, $7.50; 60 f t. orienltal runner, $18.Other bai'gains. BueldeyBeie Shop. 1147 Greeftleaf, Wilmette. 129LTN3Itp EXTENSION MAIIOGANY DINING table, 9 chairs, buffet. Lge. mahogany library table. Ivory double bed (coni- plete>, dressing table. Very reasonabie. Glencoe 460. 129LTN37-ltc REPOSSESSED 'THIO R WASHER, late model, will sell for smaîl balance due. Phone Greeneaf 4646. 129LTN37-ltp WTD. TO SnUY-NUE@LD. gO0PU WANTED TO BUY OR ftENT--4V1Tl-- dlo or smali piano for begnner. Ren- iteU buU1LeI.*$15. WhiIIt roc GVl' lamnb fur coatsi ne after 7 p. ni., Glencoe 131 W AND USED IaADIE$" parel. of ail aeuscriptiom fancy goode. iso new i a.. 834 A. Forest Ave., nmay be uxed ironi urnme t io uuw s» President and Board of Trustées, and, sha Ilbe required to furnish a -bond, con- ditioiied on the faithful peérformnanic. f the dutiex of hi$ position, ln such'àaintt as required and In~such form as .8hall be satisfactoryý to the: Plresident. and Board 0f Trustees. .Section 4.. The duties, of the Ahsistant Village Manager ger.eraliy shaîll be fo aid and assist the Village Manager lni the performnance of his duties and',-dur- Ing the absence, of"or' disabllity. of. thé' Vrillage Manager, the' Assistant 'Village. Mtanage shall tempor&krily performn the. dutios of the Village Manager'>. More par.- ticulariy. the Assistant Village Manager 4hah I have supeviin overthe"Polic-e Dellartmient of the Village of Wilmettfe. and, gtubJect to, the Village Manager, shaht be rýeapoui4ible for the:effiient ad- ministration of maid Police'Departmnent.- Setïin5_.'lobe Assistant Village Maut- ager shnIh prepare and Ille a. monthly re- ponrt to the Village Manager and msecb other reports a8 are, reqlulred by the Village Manageror by thé Premident and Board of Trustees. -Setio 6,This or4i»onçe shail he' li *lt fore and efteet from, and after ffi, *i)assotge, approval and publication w-1 *Ordlng to law. I'ASSJLD BY THE PRESII)ENT ANI) BOARD OF T1RUSTEES OF THEl VIL- T.AOE 0 F WILMIETTE ON T"Ht15 lth day of Jaiiuary, A. D. 1935, and de- -'osited and filed lri the office of the Village Clerk of Raid Village thim 1lSth day of January, A. 1). 1935. NICHOLAS P, MILLER, Village Ck.rk. APPROVED by the President of the Village of Wilmette., this 15th day of latiuiry, A. D. 1915. c. P. tUBBS. President, Villageý of Wlmette, Illinois. N 1II0IA P. MILLER. * Village (Clerc. TL27-lte TREASU.RY DE.PARTMENT, Pro- -urement Division, Public Works Branch, Washinigton, D. C. Sealed bids, ln du- plicate, will bo publicly opened In thIs; nffice at 1 p. ni., Féb. 4, 1935, for furnieli- ing ai labor and materials and perform- tng al work for the construction of the U'. S. P. O. &, t WlImette, îL. Attention le directed to the Executive Order No. 16646.dsaed.Mareh 14o 1934., a.n&thé, Howard school students wîil pertorm -Alian Stahi, Eiene Weakly. and Berkley Weakly. On Saturday, Jau- ury 16, >heorchestra bs been ask- cd to pay at the community House for the- Cbildren's theatre perform-, ance, "T'Ihe Three Spinniers." The orchestra it the largest and. finest, orgflht'ftiôh,- that thé Sçboois have had, in five- years. Trhere are five cellos, seventeen violins,. four flutes, fouir clarinets, ont oboe. One French horn,- one trombone. twc>) Arumpets, .atid two pixnists. An unusually. finepora is being worked up, ndkis hoped that' the group Will be given, an opportunity. t() play for'sonie of'the Wilmette organizations so that the residents inay know of the splendid orchestral ýraining that the scbool children art experitflciflg, Chicago, foundeî' and state presi- dent of the club, who made these announcements, has received assur- ance froin the Rev. John A. O'Brien.. Phi. D., director of the Newman Foundation and chaplain of Catholic students at the University ofIfio, that he wilI attend the party. Among the Wilmette reside,,t-ý who are patronesses-of the party are Mrs, John Boylston, Mrs Harry I)al- to1, Mrs. A. W. Boylston, Mrs. Frank Seng, Mrs. Joshua D'Esposito, Mrs. joseph Joyce, Miss Margaret McArdle, Mrs. Fred Clark, Mrs. John P. Hartray. Mr. and Mrs. William Mfoulton, 235 Raleigh road, Kenilworth, will en- tertain at a Iarewell. dinner' this> Sunday in honor of Chicago friends Who are going on a Mr. an d Mrs. R. W. Starrett, 221 Woodstock avenue, Kenilworth, wil entertain at a cocktail party Friday, January 25, preceding the dinner dance at the otàr, PUNpis FIPG years. *1 :30 O'clock, in the Gold Rooni one 82 o ans for - -of the Congres. lictel. mnt. Ù s Lt 0once Mrs. R. M. johnston, 203 Wood- The occasion m~arks the tenth an- & ORR, mnc. .bine avenueý, spent several days niversary of the founding of the ~nableervice eany Iast week visiting her parents, Mtes Club, of the Newman, n r. 10'.."ssMr. and Mrs. G. L. Miner of. Thréee oundation,. which i. spoisoring the 127A-LT tItc OakN M.icéh. benefit.. Mrs. johnJ.. nright of a ~a Wu.m.uusa Un.u~ E 7817