George LowvelI Photo The proup dqicted ,ço charrningly above wîill appeor in, the Children's Hoiur pro arain ji Winnetka Coapppiiiiity flouse S-atiircky afterwoosI, aiiitary.26, aW 2 o'cloçk when " The Three Spinners" is to be the attra'tio;l. The play, by Ploreflce Kiper Frank, is directed by Miss Ma'rion Oriseife Yn of Ken4Wo(rth. lit the picture: Rack row: Thse Marion Keeney junior dancers (frint left Io right): Jeant Mitchell, Barbala Baker, Betty Jor- dan, and.Katherine Hovirard. Cen fer: » ttfy Burliniqhai;t, as' Jo:vzelle; BertilHilbe r, as the Prince; Florence !-Jgenith, as the Queti,. Second rowv: Barbara Raniser and Joii Baker, as pages. Lotom rrzvt: lBgpette Preernapt, Peggy Nie/son, VWgioaMorsl,, and Mary Martha Gedyt. (Wedding gown of .Ioyzelle by vourtesy of N. A. Ilanna, Inc.) ____ Welfare worker-lMris. J. C. Blayiock Hrr OficrsPrsienC. C. Schutz; HaryWilsons Return ch_'f'iamber Wvvsum vcrsident.Mrs. H. J. Dernehl: Po.n i nln traueMs Geo. B. ase;sce F onTrpi E gl d L n a d n tar3'. Mrs. Ray Warren. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Borwell WiI- Btadtn conmitei-FIa seiwI o bave been traveling for the Lmttee F. Dewey Anderson, aýwzuu B.hBesterDrCve. L Drake; visltatsi ast ontb n a haif in England. J. offia, Ms.David R. Kabele; (Continued from Page 1) advisory conmmfttee-Mrs. P. J. Joyce, mer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. .Harry. witbthenams ad oganzatonsMrs. H. J. Dernebi, Mrs. Florence Bertrani Wilson, 611 Laurel avenue, with th orkato attoaizat ocs Freunud. Mrs. Win. Hughes, Mrs. R. '%. before going on to Sani Francisco actively at vr oatithobes MoCandlish. where they wiIl make their home, .of the Cornmunity Chest camnpaign: Pijblicty-Mrs. Ray* Warren. heWso eemardonN- which reports ot tule t ye ,ar s a tivities were given. The Rev. F. J. Tromp served as secretary. Mrs., J. O. Converse, president of the Altar Guild, had ber report read by Miss Elsie Edge, secretary, after which the> report of the treasurier,, Miss Cornelia- Jones, was presented. The, rector, and Mrs. J. W. Edge Tre- ported for the church scbool. -Wil- liam .Jenkins reported for the Acolytes Guild. Henry Fowler, chairman of Tioopý No. 4 commnittee, eported for; St., Augustine's Boy Scout troop. wbile Miss Olive Brower reported for St. Augustine's Girl Scout troop. The financial report of the Women's Associated Guilds, showing a wide range of activities during the year. was read by the treasurer. Mrs. J. C. Comfort. Replort on W.If are Work Representatives froni St. Au gus- tine's on the board of various Do- cesan institutions reported as follows : Mrs. Royal, D. Smith for the Cathe- drai 'Shelter and the fDôcsan l Atar Guild; Mrs. S. B. Haley for the cburch Home for Aged -JPersons * Mrs. R. B. DeVinney for St. Mary's Home for Girls ; Mrs. 1I. K. Stover for Chase House. C. L, Drake told cf the work of Wilmette Welfare board. A report for, the. Bigbop's Pence was presented, for -Raym'onid Irving, the Bishop's Pence mian. *The report of the parishi treasurer, C. E. Renneckar, copies of whîch ,were distributed. to thQse present, showed a sxnall.balance on baud; with --filWor the year paid. The fol- lowing offilcers were elected for the ensuing year: Senior warden, Henery Fowler; Junior warden, J. C. Confort: \Tes. trymen, Messrs. George Berscb, C. L.ý Drake, Raymond Irving, R. C. Jeu-: nings. W. F. Jones, J. C. McQuide.ý E. C. Renn!eckar, and' Stanley W. Smith.- The meeting concluded with the_ election of1 the fol lowing delega tes and alternates to the convention' of the.diocese at Chicago: Delegates: Henry Fowler, Mrs. C. M. Puhan, Mrs. R. D. Smith, Rob- ý4- C - 1 -A %Af Y YFTir -Dr . Arthur Tutte. IAi Ie!U 'at La.KCice PoL £L4UcJaaer. Andersen is spending three Mr. and M rs. Edwardi Jis visiting relatives in Los 321 Raleigh road, Kenil, les. entertain at tea this Sunda worth, wil a. - Mr-. and Mrs. L. C * Douglass, 11 Broadway. avenuee entertained the Woodbine avenue dinnier bridge club last Monday. 'i -$----"#VE O-UR IBUCK$r4--