Koit Sport. DRESSES Values up- to $6.95' Januiry Sale Now- $ .95 - Misses SKI PANTS $5.00 Value s3.9s sizes As you deir. yourself This Vassareffo Girdie very igbt ittle thing.. it aives vou thaf 'flûur is à yet d-in" 4/ Uuya Pedigire.d MoIIory Hot The first Mallory Hat was made 11I1 years ago. Every year snce then Mallory Hats have piloçi skil upon skill, until today Inowlngý men, who demand. something gen- uieyand enduringly fine, say.. 71. want a Maltoryl" and the sales- man soys to himself, "Thaf man knows whaf's what,," Wbat.o value for $500 Our tip is Trump 1 48I W&umff Avopo %"AN S-S 'J! fNI'S Mon and Bos lit Nafional Bmnk Biding W'Ilnwtf. 2655, WILbIBTTB .LIFE. La Franc. ebi