Lbut vokI.É-aI Lukms-Gema' Jr,' .ý Suu,- choir master of Christ. church, Win netka, will be played tonigbt (Thurs day) in a student recital by Geori R. Hunscbe, organist, of Wiltnctte, ii Fisk"'hall on the Nortbwestern uni versity campus. Mr. Whitebouse wrote the Fan? tasie particularly for this recital, ani it will be the first public appearanct of the composition, as* interpreted- b: Mr. Hunscbe., Mr.. Whitehouse iâ also head of -the organ departmeni of the. Nortbwestern. Scbool of Mu- SIC. Mr. Hunscbe is a New Trier Higi school gra duate, class of '30, and is now organist and choir master of the Fifth United. Presbyterian: church in Cbicago,. Tbe îrecital will be given at 8 :15 o'clock and is free to the public. The programn in fult is as foliows : Largo In 5E from Concerto No. 12. (Aw.anged for the organ -by Fantasia and Fugue in G minor.- Bach Dorian Prelude on "Dies Irae"'..... Bruce Simonds '4 Fa ntaàsi e lu Ë Horace Whltehouse (First Performance) h. Grand Piece Symphonique ...FraneS Andantino serioso Allegro non troppo e maestoso Andante Allegro ~' Andante li.Allegro non troppo e mnaestoso er, and Milla- D7av ris directing. id B~rothers production depicting the life The entire farnily will have ïts in- '- of the famous beauty who ruled the ning at the Varsity theater this Fri- s- court of King Louis XV, cornes to day, Saturday and Sunday, when e Winnetka Community theater Tues- "Anne of Green Gables"~ will provide 0 entertainment deftly compounded of ln day and Wednesday, january 29 4nd romance, humor and pathos. 1-3,with Dolores. Del Rio in the stel- Ti n yptei ar role. s cr e e n adaptation. -of the novel ThéThe picture,- while; billed as a prestes. a fine cast, with AnneShr id céomedy drama, with the emp hasis on ley in the title ,role of tbe.orphan 'e the comedy, also is a, ,aniohspc dopted by kindly ýMatthew Cuithbb ýY tacle with. its gorgeous reproductions ý(O. P. Hleggie) and, bis sister Marilla Is of theà court, tbe palace at Versailles, (Helen Westley).ý Tom Brown, Sara t ad he amusColonnade. gardens HadenadHlaVub also con- -where the grand ladies and resplend- tribute superb characterizations to' ent courtiers disported themselves in this well-directed picture. i. gaiety andluxury while the peôple "Splendid family film 1" agrees the is starvedi Better Pilmns Council of Cbicagoland., ,e Nor is the picture without its, Monday' and Tuesday,,January 28.ý n dramatic moments when Du Barry and 29, will long- be re membere d by figbts intrigue witb intrigue, usually persons who attend. the :Varsity 5 outwitting ber enemiesý, wbo would theater wbicb will show,"The Wbite. eý gladly trust a dagger tbrough ber Parade," a beautiful, heart-stirring beautiful back. Yet even in thege picture of nurses in training. A Cin- moreý intense sequences, tbe ir- derella love story threads tbrougb reprssb,ç u.arygsu*ally Jmanages, the film, witli John R01es, wealthy to end tbem witb a laugh-at the ex- play-boy, as the Prince Cbarming and ipense of the enemy. Loretta Young bis desired. Miss s The picture bas an unusually large Young is said to give the best per:- ecast of talented plays in the principal formance in ber career. The entire roles and bundreds of others in. minor supporting cast does fine work. parts. Dolores Del Rio bas the part May Robson rings up -another tri- of Du Barry with Reginald Owen umpb in ber new picture, "LadyýbY' playing opposite ber as King Louis Choice," scbeduled by the Varsity for XV. Others include Victor JorY, Wednesday and Thursday, January Verree Teasdale, Ferdinand Gotts- 30 and 31. Fresh and original, tbis cbalk and Helen Lowell. film gives Miss Robson a grand op- Tonight (Tbursday) and Fniday portunity as Patsy, and she makes thie Community theater offers its final spirited use of it. presentation of Norma Sheareri Fred- The' story is excellent-and it's a ric March and Charles Laughton. in great tenmptation to spili it rigbt bere "The Barretts of Wimpole Street." and now. ýNo onewill be angry, how- A poil of newspaper critics and mo- ever, to Iearn that Carole Lombard, tion picture editors selected this film Roger Pryor and Walter Connolly, as the beat of those produced in 1934. bave important roles., * *w.e With the BOWLE RS Wilmette Tailorii..1......;.. 20 34 with a 224 garn. il Ferrarii won Cycle Inn.. ................15 39 third place honors with a 220 game wbile Joe Lecbner 'followed witb -K. 0F C. LEAGUE gaines of 216 and 209. Other bigb The Emmett Wbealan team won gamnes were John Scbinler witb 207; three ganies froin the last place Bid- Harry Sieren, 206; B. Eing, 204. $4w$,AVE TOUR UCK$Iw.-...4t. 7