Bernie Photo Ph'mned by this group of*1Evanston business, and prof ession»to men, the Better Housing exhibit sponsored by the evanston Chamber of Com- merce, Io 1rm<ly opened Salturday alternoon, is: nowe one of thse centers of attention on thse north shore. Thse exhibit, on thse second floor at 620 Dazis street, is opèn dailý, front 12 noon b 10 P.' n. Those in the picture are: First row, lef t to right, Harry Maber, arcbitect-.; Jack A. Scanlan, head of the plan- ning committee; C. A. Hemphill, presi- dent of the E'vanston Chamber of Com- merce; Ira Rosenberg, chairman of the bousing committee of Evanston; joseph W. Kehoe. district manager of the Evanston Real Estate board, and Ar- thur Knox, architect. .More than 30 exhibits, ranging from the latest improvements in furnaces and, air conditioning plants to intricately modeled homes are shown in 47 booths. .Officially opened Saturday by Mayor Charles il. Bartlett, the exhibit, Cham- QUAKER'STATE OIL'ý SIIELL:GASOLINE. FIRESTONET IRES EXIERATTRE We also:give ýBucks for Washing, Greasing and, Weatherproofin'g. Pick up and deliyery service. SERXVICE S~TATIONS Service Station No. 12 1909.Lake Ave. Wil*effe Service Station N o. 2 122 2 Central Ave. Wl',.,' Service Station No. 10 WiUmtte Ave. and Ridge Rd.. Wilmette *Chicago; Loren P'. Meyer, secretary of 1mittee- and organizations t h a t> the, Evanston Chamber of Commerce; planied and have mnade possible the George Cyrus, past president of the exhibit. start at once and will include the in- stallation of elevator service for the store. The enlarged second floor will be used for women's ready-to-wear in ail limes and with a complete price ,-man avenue fronts ot. the n ess dcring t] of te bildng pressed greatc eling ofteuul i of busines.s on mism for the futi ýe north shore., Tlîere is one near yeur home CHAMPION SPARK, PlUGSý EDGARSTE VENS Lease for the 'Ent ir e tmd Floor: Seen as Sjin N