JF 14141%IIL 01U ÀIAJllb J. 1 J.*i J Glencoe, inspector in the Chicago district, visited commission bouses, hôtels, cold storage. plants andmeat markets flot only in the. city, but througbout the north shore and other suburban areas of Chicago. Large quantiies of, illegal gamne. were confiscatçd and tbose* having ducéks, other wild game and: animals in their -possession are to be prose- cuted, it was -announced. Evidelnce which led to the raids was gathered during the past two months ^by Inspector Lynch and bis force in th hiao fic;Mr. Lynich said it is flot the'intention of the départ-. ment to barrass the bunters Wbo paY tIbe *ate a license to hunt ducks and to shoot wild gaine, but the trapping of ducks and the commercial izi ng of them is going to- be stopped. The dprtmnt, h. continued, .wil carry on its campaign against those who in- dulge in this wholesale slaughter for commercial purposes. The present director of the Depart- ment. of Conservation is Charles F. Thompson. Raids siniilar to the one staged in the Chicago area bave been conducted throughout the state of Illinois. wbich bas always represented Iuxury because of its imited production in this country, is that California bas at last succeeded in producing a large * eno&tgb crop to bring the fruit witbi *n the reach of the smallest budgets. 'When onie considers the lengtb of time it takes to produce the.calavo,-j one understands~ better its unique qualities. Many varieties remain on' the treç f or a period of fi-om seven nmonths to a year. During this time the fruit is gradually accumulatingý BAHAI LECTURE "The Message of Baha'U'Ilah' is the subject of tbe talk tobe given by Dr. lE. L. Morris of Racine, Wis., at the' Sunday :afternoon service, in Poundation, hall, Baha'i Unîversal House of Worship *at Linden avenue and Sheridan road, Wilmette, Feb-. ruary,3 at 3:30'o'clock. AT MARY CRANE LAU *Mrs. M. V. Hale and. Mrs. H.l A. Scribner will entertain the Mary Crane league on February 15, for: 1 o'clock dessert luncheon at Mrs. H-ale's. home, 514 Abbotsford road,l Kenilwortb. s A, f.woew '34 and sIightly diriven 133 models -ai substa,- MIisavings; whiie thely ust.ý Evnsonfash. L oFa-y-ette Co 1735 Benâson Ave.., Cor. Clk. jB1ks.,N. Davis ULI A Real Treat SERVE Il!I For breakfast- With eggs or waffles For luncheon- In a well baked Idaho potatQ Pure Pork The cholcest of fresh young pork... seasoncd to suit the most exacting et tastes, by just the right blending of sait and spices. cently iîmtiatecl into thme iutenai iterary society at Nortbwestern Uni- versity. ýMiss Boylston, a graduate -of ýNew Trier High schocol, aid a former stu-