years oici, yet, wflen he visitecl his old home ini 1928, be found the bouse in as good condition as when be left it many years ago. Dealing, construction was; common:l tbe, early, days of Maine, 'Mr. Jewett said. The timbers used in bis old home were two -incbe's thick and six inches wide. - Lumber .was very, plentifult hen. flealing houses were very Warin and secure.ý "There were plenty of Indians there in those days," Mr. Jeweétt continue&, "but it was flot necessary to build this type. of bouse to afford protection against.the tribes, as many peofle now.. adays presuine." "Flats" Theme February 4 at Garden Center Skokie chapter of the Glencoe Gar- den club and the Lake Bluff Garden~ club will alternate in providing pro- gramts during February at the North Shore Garden center, WinnietkaCoin- niunitv House. First of the programs will be given Monday, February 4, wben, at 10:30 in the mvprnirrg, Miss Josephine Heg- ley of Evanston will talk on "Flats." Mrs. C. Francis Pearce, Jr., and Mrs., CONDITION FLOORS The finish of every floor sbould be kept in the best of condition. It isn't always the floor itself which must stand the wear, but the finish on its surf ace. MAIL $LOT IN DOOR A mnailsiot in the door isflot only a convenience to the mail man In deliv- ering mail, but. safeguards the, mail, f rom theft. IN4SPECT RECLJLARLy Have the plumbing, systemn checked over regularly -and have. your plumb- ing contractor fix the littie.Ieaks be- fore v ýalve seats and faucets are ruined. Apple or pumpkin.. wonderfu 1... .. ...., ANGEL., FOOD CAKES3 e Large psity eize. Light end, feetbery. 9 r Specal forFrdg BRERADED HALIBUT3 e Wo ndefll saondm p'33e lb BUTTER 1POtETZE-L23 Orne of di. favorite coffee ...... iriL &zke. Shop--Strett Floor Ou Davis Street WIIm.ItANS 1100 .~MONUMENTS to in tegrrty During February we pay homage to the m.emoies of two great Ameri- cans. They have Ieft a tradition of integrity whick may weIl b. the cornerstone of American business... They built reputations for int.grity on the simple phrase, "Service Before Self.",W. Ipo have buili on librarians. The second programn of the month, Februarv 11, wilI be arratiged- by the Lake Bluff group, and will be a- talk by Mrs. Stewart Reed Brown oli 1"Shrubbery Beauty Ail the Year 'Round." Mrs. E. L. Scheidenhelm and Mrs. William Sutherland are to bave charge of the library that day. Will Review Bo>ok On February 18 Skokie chapter will again ha ve charge of the prograni, a corne fo depenci on us to keep their fuel supply ùnfailing. If is a servce of infegrity. confidence is the. greatest monument to our succss. There is no high.r ideal than service for man or business. a word about MtJRPHY-MILES, e. series, most nelptul ro amateurs.'L thése was written by a north resident, Mrs. Kate Brewster. SIX PLANTS SERIN~THE r The Wfashington motiuuent and the Linacoln Memouag. Monuuens a, othe ntgrity «id :srt** oftwo gr..t luerifwlw