HTLT! Dnt of a il Bitt.rie ~tims a yu.. firn it end forget it 1 GOODYEAR TIRES ON CRUDIT as Iow as, .aweek. Pay asYou Ride Wilmelte;Baltry& Electric Service.:. 740 Trwelfth Street.- Phones WHlmçtte 691-5454> H aWNE Uavicg O*ARS LYNAN SERVICE SAfkASE SHIM@NZI sueRVICE Me 1M .9 .WILM fsas 41U RIDeRAVE., WIL. U420 sot MAIN. 8T., *IL., 5374 Y OU take no chances when you buy Consumer. Cool or Coke. SEvsry ton. ih uold ..wkis ,w t wuonditioned 90?ffi*UV of tîigh quallty, correct weight and customer satisf action . . 0 Lt mugi satisfy you or we rvill remove it and refund your money. When you buy fuel, get the best. Ut ischeaper in the long A run because it contains more heat, les. ask and inipurities and lests much longer. I COA COE COAL -COE.. FUEL 0I1 WILMETTE 1300 WINNETKA 3386 GLENCOE 75 RSYIY U-R N EI1G HBO RHO0D R S 1 N