Pi.ui'y of Paking Spaee tE. HEE'S HAP0,F,,OOD THINOS TIO, AT-ý Hormnel'Tomai.b reton.. sou A plateful 'of his perfectilyprep.red,. p*r- fectly seasoneda nd deicately blended s up, » eritrea l a.a Do..Ï 1.65 for 2 19 . FRESH. SHRIMPS Cook eigkt inutes in boiling sait1 then sheli and use for cocktails, solads or enlises, IL water- HALIS UT STEAK When baked in mnilk if develops a beauti- fuily. tender, brown l.2 outide crust.ib27 ARMOURUS STAR LARD For deep fatfryilg, orIL for fl.ky pies end farts, lb. 16CO Armour Star Slic.d Bacon S. tempting on crisp mornings. lb. 37C Pork Loin Roust Not Isard te make seO the grecery list when there are se many good things Ireons which te make Fel ectieo,«>:t Planning mnus is a Pleasure when yew bu y .4ere.-' There are noe'boiodles te carry. 17e delaver twith eut addÏional charge. Welch 's Tomto Jumice. lumcloum rNw York Teirmatme, . u wm hdouble strngt iéi te, C-A erni 3 pis.4569 ~ 'N - - A Perfetct rekfast Ceblmateoe Bisquick University Cofe University Syrup 29c. 2b 9c Pt. 23c Star On Sale Only of Chlcoge Stor.--3959 IDreodw.y * Scotch Hoits Mounfain Cream BIack and Whie Doers Whife Label Four Georges brandy Cherie Cognac Mornay Cognac Louis XIV INDIAN RIVER GRAPEFRUIT Largeize-ful iof luice. 27 DML 98C. fr2,7 FLORUDA JIJICE ORANGES A 96wfil of hi.swmeef «Mage 1 "1 np on*fit 3o.9 and fine. 3..9 DELICIOUS APPLES Exfra large sie- juicy end good. basket of 1 027c NEW FLORIDA POTATOIS« Fresi Peas Large poda -every o0» ofpes.2' >. 29C 121/2 Pt. l.59 1:79 .195 IlY.D.lifwr t e é N. 'Cavrymlse .De JANUARY 31,A19.35' WINNEIKA 7180ElmSIve. Wimmetas il1