scouting will be even higher. North Shore Area council, to reach the bighNational objective set for it, was required to have 1,002 boys. This counicil bulged beyond its quota by having 1,440 scouts as of December 31, bu the 'goal is even. set higher for December 31, 1935. Achiîevi e1-Ye Goal The Ten-Year pr.ogram, launched three years ago by the National council, Boy Scouts of America, set as an objective for North Shor Area counicil, 167 boys to be four-year trained scouts by the year 1942. To show the: progress -made on the north shore, there were 150 boys on the records as of ]December .31wo a four 'years in scouting and 157 who had been in Scouting five years and longer and were stili registered. North, Shore Area counicil also wins. national recognition for operating Olie of the best camps in the country -Camp Ma7Ka-Ja-Wan. During the six years of its operation, this carnp i'n northern Wisconsin bas attracteci approximately 2,000 different boys. Many are already looking forward to0 the 1935 camping. season. Divrsified Activities The work of the council includes the -training of volunteer leaders,, courts of honor for presentation of awards to Scouts and scout leaders, menit badge counselor systeins, the program in Cubbing for boys 9, 10 and Il years of age,. program for boys 12 years of age and over ini Boy Scouting, Sea Scouting for' boys 15 years of age and over, andl the niew * older boys prôgrain known as Ex- plorers, and many other worthwhile activities. * The. membership as of, December 31wa s 2,179 of which 347 were volun- teer ,leaders, 392 Cubs, 1,354 Boy Scouts and, 86: Sea, Scouts. The ob- jective for 1935.calIs for a minimun of 2,315. The officers of the North Shore Area' counicil *are: lronorary presi- dents, General Robert E. WVood of Block Clvic Spirit 1300 Maple avenue ............. 1000 1500 Spencer avlenue.........100 1000 Michilgan avenue .........1,0 400 Forest avenue ............ 1,000 900 Romona rmai ............ 1000 1100 Michigan avenue .......... 1000 400 F#1mwood avenue.....1000 900 Michigan aVenueB.......,0 700 Senieca roai............1,400 900 Seneca rbad..........i. 1,000 1000 Sz'eca roai.............1,000 1200 Locust .road...........1,000 '2600 Blackhawk road ......... 1000 100Miamni roui .............. 1000 100Cherokee road.......,0 2400 Iroquois road ............. 1,000 140 Lockerbie road.......1,000 50 Linden. avenue......... :..000 700 Harvard street ........... -1000 800,Sixteenth street.......... 1,000 1400 Forest, avenue ......... ...1,000 500 Seventbi Street ..........1000 600 Sixth street.......1000 800 Fifth street........... 1,000 700 Lake avenue........... 1,000 800 Greenwood avenue ..... 1,000 700 Linden avenue....... 1,000 1100 Twenty-First street.... 1.000 1100:Locust.road 1,001) 900 Seminole rôad .. 1,000 1400 Maple avenu1e ........1.000- 1200 Lakce avenue.. 1.000 Ridge .avenu~e business distit 1.000 There i. only - one way in which a block can reach a place on the hr.nor rol. and that is through a pledge from every bouse in the block. The size of the pledge does flot count-it. mnay be large or small-but there must be some pledge from each bouse. The, greatest activity in the Cotn- * munity Chest campaign du ring the past week bas centered in the business. sections, where the effort has been to *match the splendid record of the Ridge avenue business district, whose Severy concert' made a pledge, earning, ia place at the top of the commercial hortor roll. The canvrass, is progress- ring in an .earnest fashion, and it is boped that 1,000 per cent may be cchalked Up to the credit of the re- maining sections. r In the meantime, those in charge of -the drive as sert that mnany itidividuatl Spledges are yet to be received, and ,- haste is urged in sending thern in.- It nisadvised that :anyone who bas not yret.been solicited,.catI the office, WÎi- e mette 2515, and -the block worker will .be notified to cati. 4 Attention is also directed to the fact that the Wilmétte Welf are board, a meeting was fol- 1Evanston com- addrèssed the of- Plans were discussed for the activ- itîes 'of :the chapter during the ten. days set aside for disseminating, in- formfation on National 'Defense.- Simi- lar action will, be observed. througb- oùt the > nation during. the- period February 12, to 22, inclusive. 'A $34.50 Up Larpvarieryof, eia nd ,pattera t choose f rom. Remodeini -Alteritions- eain Pressing- Cleanirig of Aill1(1.4. of Garments 1117 Greenleaf Avenue i ForYYour Queen of Hearts i DUTCH MILL. VALENTINE SPECIAL 2. b. heort. box Valentine 5ifts t itevery purse ranging in price from 45e to $4,75 DUCHMILL: CANDIS 1187 WiUun.*I. Avenue Wimette 2140 with an I 413 Linden Avenue WiImtte 4120. -$- $AVE TOUR DUCK$r'$-$ sob 'n' Mac Official Exide Station Maln Sret et Lindos Avenue Plsome Wilm*t.2»4. 009 LIV