-. .tue awwaa U cIUL Girls - first, Betty Marie Bruce; Stolp; second, Marilyn Prussing, Howard; third, Marcia Anderson,' H~oward. lTepries were tickets to ýspecial pl"~s at the Jack anid Jili -Players Juciges for the contest were Uri H.-C. Hall, Mrs. R. D. Tayjlor' and The Poster contest was in chge of miss Donnelly, art teacher in* - .tu-1 W:lmette, schools. i - Aera sUbJect oflthe meeting cf the Forum cf the Cook County League. cf Women' Voters to, be. beld Satuiday afternoon, February e, at 2 o'clock, in, tht Pl'amerý bouse. Edwin E. Witte, research director' cf the President's Committeet on Economic Security, will present "Tht President's Pro- grarn.$# and Frank Bane, director cf the, American Public Welfare associa- tion, will dçuss "Making tht, Pro- grin Effective in thtStates." Mrs. Lo.uîse Leonard Wright, chair- Promise Earl StrtCoutyLeagut of Wonien Voters, préide on rad SCIU"t.tfl Tht meeting is freètôt league ee Work cnù tht grade separatacu cof bers and à. small fee is ctiarged te Waukegan road where it ci-osses tht ncn-memb'rs. Milwaukee road-tracks in Glenviw- wlll be started eai-ly in the spiing. indôead -tl Y r*. LtPu- M. Afllen, 258 Melrose This-wasindiate thi wee byavenue, , Cenilworth, entertajned ber annowacemtnt cf tht filing cf three bridecu atTsa. condemnation suits by tht Milwaukee d--cub -stTusdy road against owuei-s of tracts adjacent Mrs; Nelson V. Joyce, 835 Michigan to tht crousing. avenue, entertained ber luncheon Tht coat of tht pi-jct will be bridge club Iast Monday. about U250,000, most cf which will be -_o-- exptnded for labor. Mrs. Charles Moody was hostess Considered one cf the nuost im- for luncheon Iast Monday at be r portant grade. sçparation projects in home, 700> Forest avenue. 'NV L MET T.E L:1IFlE bdngs you R. S. Peterson, wha is heading the, faculty committee in charge cf itht project, said this week that the pubè- lication, which is té ttc in mn.agazine form, probably will i-un from fifty to sixty pages. -It will. be ready for dis- tributioi about the de of April, Mr. Peterson stated' .Work is -now in progress or the cover design. Included. in the maga- z3ine, .which is the -first ever *to be publisbed from the wrtings of the entire student body, will be short stoies, essays, poetry, -flays and other contributions showing. exce p- tional ability in this 16eld. Stludents-were reminded this week by, Mr. Peterso'n that Mai-ch 1 is the deadlile for ail contributions'forý the Fore",e Popukraity Ad vance reservations indicate that unusual interest is being shown in. New Trier's 'sixth annual spring va- cation educational tour, and F. D. Frisbie, the fâculty member in charge of thetrtip, this week stressed tht ad- visability of making registrat ions early. Historic points usually included in M.onticelo, Willhamsburg, Jamestown, Fredei-iclcsburg and Annapolis are otber places on the itinei-ary. The tour will start on Friday, Mai-ch 29, and end- a week later, the Party traveling on tht. "Liber-ty Limn- ited" cf tht Pennsylvania raili-oad. WIll be helci i'iday of next. week, Chester E'. MacLeati, the New Trier coach, announces. At present New Trier's record ini the Big Twelve league stands at five victories and one defeat, despite the fact that the schoo.l actually bas en- gaged in only ont dual debate with Proviso. Hammônd, which was to have met New Trier last week, de-' faulte.d, as Tilden Tech had dlone earlier in the season. 'Coach. Mac- Lean sent the New Tr 'ier negative team to Hammond te meet tht In- diana school's affirmative,'but there was no 'debate, Hammond pleading lack of preparation. T1he. Hammond negative team. failed to show up' in: Wnetka, to meet the New Trier. affirmative. Plans were being discussed Mon- da y for a practice dual. match with Maine.Township High sehool, not a member of the Big Twelve league, later this week. The New Trier daters *1.. are keeping- in mid the exhibition match befôre the WiI- mette Rotary cl ub on Wednesday, February 16. "6W Coody"»Wilson Name d Frosh-SoPh Bail Coach Woodrow "Woodlyp Wilson will bave charge of tht New Trier fresh- man-sophomore basebali squad this year,_.as. he did last season. An un- ,mtis season. It is planned-to d-a-wùp aregular schedu1% cf games for thé fre!shman-s5ophômore team, as wel as for tht varsity. Clyde Grater, New Trier faculty member, wbo is, now busy vWth bis heavyweight bas- ketball team coaching duties, àgain will have charge of the varsitY base- baIl team;' Thirty-five boys in hi s atbletic gym class will serve as *a nucleus for tht team. BY PR MAIL YEARk arps wluch are aucticn d"c are s ind l sets or pages. ých the bly foi- junior and senior girls Tlurs- L5 con- day inorning of this week. Sht dis- ý.Tht cussed somne of the new movements, usual- in women's educatiOn and toî d cf the college with wbich she hi connected, T.Ouri 1