boostifl& sales of this materai.. Advantages of a washabî'e waIi cov:- Mrngar obvions for the.batbroom, kitchen and playroom. But. motio picture theaters havé discovered its: vralue for lobbies, hallways, and rest UIEAL ESTARTE LOANSI 'Afppicàions for conservl4v. fistmorgag. bans are on- ViWI on il bocaf.dr.iden- 6a1, apariment and buines PromPt service assur.d coStpOIATIoN 10 S.. La 5.1. St.. Chicago Telopluon. Franklin 69W00 PENN MUTt>AL LFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA It ijp#lal au attractive pat- terns, ~t its long Jle make its pur- ChUe git economical. investment for generý use in the home, theater, cburc h,, or eisewbere. Fettur FIA-Boothi lit BIg Exposition One of the most, hospituble booths at 'the )Modem Home IExposition t be beld. at the Coliseum 1February 16-24: wiibte the Federal Hosn Administration'hooth,. uiider'.the di- rection of Leigb, R. Putman, asso- ciate director for nortiierni Illinois. Chairmen of the varions better bousing campaigns throtighout the Chicago districts and the numierous suibs ^w4i1make the- F4¶A boflr their beadquarters, wbenever attend- ing the exposition. Not only will an officialimn irepre- sentative be present to confer with these chairmen, according to an - nounicement made by Mt. Putman, but officers of varions women's clubs in Chicago and tbroughout nortbern Illinois will serve as hostesses to ail interested visitors. Prize Wmnner Sheathed in Co»Per I A cojq>er skin iu iwed to resist the weather in this prise ut'inning house dcuigned by L. Morgan l'eut, àrchitect, Pirsi National Bank building, .Wit- mette. The competition, of natioa-wide scope, uw coliducted recently by the, Copper and Brass Resvearch Ssociation of New York City. The construction of this bouse is houses be sheathed ini copper, it bas a radical departure from any stand- been shown by uie that this material ard practice and also bas been cm- is durable1 inexpensive, and -band- seams being arranged in an interest-. ingpttr. In this prize winning bouse the window bands and the roof are of lead-coated silvery-gray cop- per, the remainder being artificially ,weatbered to a soft green. The plan of this bouse is most ef- ficient. A beater room and laundry are on the first floor immediately to the rear of the garage, whicb i. Un71shoum Av . vastemn uiv.rsty 2» us *5nCe Me i ! utur sacrificwg h armony or simpli ty of masscm position.sso- Amateur Gardeners Glimpse Seed Books Members of. the Wilmette After- noon Garden club heard a lecture last Friday at the borne of Mrs. T. K._McRlroy in Winntka by areDre- GomRPoM4UoN ra raonal TeL Greuhaf 1515Farpiatq I