taaioes, either by professional or ama- teur companies, have. been very infre- quent, due to the difficulty of the play f rom the mechanical stanidpoint. The play itscif, a classic in romantic coin- cdyr, wth ità sejie laid in PFrance ini 1640, las been cherislied.by followers cf th theter ince its. first-presenta- tion ini thîs counryini 1900 as the out-ý standng play' of its type in modem dramtic literature. mare H«Kmradei.Rci6 Frai* J. Morré, for years consid- ered among the most versatile of north shore amateur actors, lias- beeni cast as' Cyrano, the, part rnost, frequently asso- ciated; with Walter Hampden because of his distinguislied performance in re- cent yas It was f elt by thé Thres- holdcatn coimittee that few actors, even including niany of the legitimate stage wbo niglit attenipt it, could bring more:to the brilUia.t Part'of the swaslt- buckling I7th century swordsman-poet- philosopher. than Morré. His particular flare -for romantic comedyý was indi- cated by lis fine performance as the Vagabond in the Threshold production, of Iast fall, "The Tavern." N&sA7, PeruIaIl Directr The direction of "Cyrano"' has been. placed in the hands of Nancy Pershall, perhaps the most experienced director 80 E 30 40 30 Sjoý ,o'~î M -1ail lm9 630:> "3?. 1 70 60 40 30 z0 m rd N Of exaclly thie nner in which the ciiffens of Neuw Trier lownship miet îhewr txes Pression. !1W /ustOrY, inform ation h as been nbtaiited ,nldvk jw, x-lapue p18cion,- s~ ays LUIS. rer- shalh, "modern audiences lias liad littie opportunity in the last decade of see- ing 'Cyrano.! It is too priceless a thing, too poetic a play for ouf genera- tion te miss. In addition te the beauty of the limes f rom the lyrical vieWint, 'Cyrano' is decidedly 'gôod theater'. It lias action, plot, romance, atmos- phradabv l tha uo.,It The thiigs: 1. thf elump oi and par] 2. Th<E three c: 3. Per worst 09 4. Thei Sb1 bais been no, IC*ome for the, or the. tnwal mn ôif ~' . larply several 1remItting where the township' collecter takes ny days or weeks. Bovery ln the. Since 'the grapli was prepared local Mlages, schools. officiais have received word from the' te aniong ail county collector thàt a total of about ownes. $50,000 of delinquent taxes for 1928, mùers are the 12,13 n 91wudb uta 3 local assens- buted late this week te ail New Trierý Lnty Assessor txig ords. int , 4 W- '4a s'8ofl £WIDS Plan1 Congregation men SSponsor Big Frolic With dancing to the music of a fa- mous band, cotillons and favors, solos by instrunienWaists aind vocaiists, dma- matic sketches, snd cosiedy akits, bail- roonu and çomnecy <dance teamis, the V-- entine party and dance which the. Men's UUIUUy takest net ,s n I iyn n.1.1t taughter of the 15 Raleighi road, Mr. and Mns. Frank Barrett, 61S mest at a lieuse Essex road, Kenilworth, entertazned at Connecticu t twenty-four guests Iast Satu4rdy ifor dinner and bridge. Xelsose 80 eyan university.