C IRONER 69e a wS.k New 'Lirai Purcise T"ts to M>ye banisi wasbday drwdger e hron a whole wash while seated comfortably! That's what you"re able to do wich a Conlon Automatic Ironer. 11This modemn labor-saving appliance can be youzrs at, small cast. Only $2 down-the balance for as kow as 69c a weck, payable monthly on your Elecuric Service bill. who recently underwent an operation. He left fo r the Nebraska capital Iast Friday by' way of United Air lines. His own ship was not1 available for use, since it -was being given, a 20- hour checkin the Curtiss shop. Rob- crt',Peck, Curtiss'field mechanic,,also was called home receéntly becauselof the ' illnéss of his father. Peck's home is at Omaha., Plames att Chicao Port Are Controlled by Rýýadio Ail planes in the vicinity -of the Chicago municipal airport are con- trolled by means of visual signais and' radio. A radio range be acon guides planes into the airport under conditions of poor visibility. Eight major air uines use the airport. They~ operate cigbty-two schduetdal over eleven different routes radiating from Chicago and connecting witb al parts of the United States, Canada, Mexico and South America. Pal-Waukee Airport to' Hold Party on Saturday The Pal-Waukee airport clubhouse will be the scene of a party Saturday nigbt. of this week for menmbers of the Aviation Country club, located at Pal-Waukee, and for "the boys" from neighboring airports. A inidnight lunch is to be serVed. The last Pal-~ Waukee party was so successful that it was decided to bold another similar af air. New Installations Made in Winnetkan's Plane Sidney M. Spiegel, Essaness Thea- ter corporation official and resident cf Winnetka, is having considerable work donc on his Stinson at the Cur- tiss airport shop. The installations ship, which made the ttip trom San Francisco to Chicago in thirteen hours on a regularly scheduled £igbt. Condit: flew west in, MIrs. ýRuth Kitcheil Wakeman's new c abin Fair- child to deliver the plane to ber a t San Francisco. He reports that'he encountered bitter cold weather until hegtbeyond Okiahomia City. 'After stpiga day'at , Phoenix, .Condit wen t on to San Francisco and spent three days there before, leaving on the return trip. 8Below-.n.,the Hangar at Fargo, Keif Reports Aubrey Keif, an aviation represent- ative for, the Texaco, comâpaüy, drop- ped in at Curtiss airport last week. Hec arrived f rom the Twin Cities in a Wasp-p9wered Stearman, Keif was at Fargo, N. D, oee ay. duriag-the recent cold wave. "It was eight bc- low in the Northwest airways hangar at, Fargo," he .said, "and thirty-two> below outside." Keif indicated- that be didn't care for North Dakota. Peterkin and Darr Fly to the Stinson Factoryý Daniel Peterkin, Jr., of the Morton Sait company, and H., S. Darr, presi-, dent of. the, Chicago Aviation cor- poration, operators of Curtiss air- port, mnade a trip to the Stinson fac- tory at Wayne, Mich.; Wednesday of last week. Tbey returned the same night. Peterkin's Stinson was used. for the trip. Sees Summer on the Way, Starts Back to Alaska Pete Robbins, the aviation enthus- iast froin Alaska who bas been doing considerable flying at Curtiss air- port in recent months,' left for the north country last week. He plans o'clock,, at Wifinetka Community Mr. and Mrs. Henry B.* Freeman House. It'is'anticipated that a gncup and their three sons, of Rinsdale, may be formed for the study of the werc dinner guests Sunday of lirs. federal and state constitutions in re- Frecman's uncle and aunt, Mr. and lation to current events. Ail are wel- Mrs. Cliarles Ware of, 325 Abbots- corne, and rio dues or charges will be fordroad. Kenihworth. made, it is staîted. S2 ow..