to Ton ig.f The Kenilworth League of Women Votera announices- the auonthly meeting f or .February,. to be held-Thursday, February 14, at the Kenilworth club at 12:30, o'clock. The speaker wÎll be Miss Grace Benjamàinwbo will addres s the league. on a .sutbject of vital imùportance, es- pecially during tepreettre 'The Making' of the, Young. Criminal. .Miss Benjamin is considered nat only a fascinating and convincing speaker but is thoroughly equipped ta give facts on this ubject. She is at present one of the staff of the American Public Welfare association. At other timiesshe bas-be.,, chirman senior member of the American As- sociation of Social Workers, senior case worker of thte Cook <County Bureau of Public Welfare, assistant Probation oficer and on the staff of the Juvenile Court of Cook county. Miss Benjamin rectived lier B.A. degree f rain Rockford coliege, lier> M.A. degree from the University of Chicago school of social service ad- The board of the. Kenilworth League of Women Voters is meeting this week Thursday morning, Feb- ruary 7, at the. home of the president, Mrs. E. F. Suydacker, -at 10 o'clock. Eastern Star Now Hes Bir*hd.y Tabe Toloif Photo In costume Picturesque a north shore vocalist, Winifred Farrell, will presen: <on unusual >rogram for tise fine arts dej>artngent meeting of thse Wotnans's Catholic Club of Wilinette in thse loisuge of tise Woman's clubat Z o'cloc ,a.y afterisoon pf lii: uwee. Miss Farrell istie gu st aruiui of tise af éemsoon. Fine Arts Carl Scheffler. Art DImtdor end Supervisor, t. Toi M.aning of Modem Art Carl scheffier, the director .of the Evah'ston, Academy of Fine Arts, and supervisor of the art work ,in,,the 1Evanston public schools, will speak,to the Junior auxiliairy.of, the'Womans ,Cath-~ olic club at its next meeting on Tuesday, February 12. The, sub-. ject of bis talk will be '.The Meaningof Modern Art." Before coming ta Evanston, Mr. Scheffler studied in Chicago, .Paris, and Dresden. He has given many years to developtang the new and mocre effective methods. of art education wbich he uses and these are now be-. ing studied by various school ytm outside of Evanston. -In addition to lii. work in direct- inig the academy, from whith anany north shore artists have been grad- uated, Mr. Scheffler has painted the three-paneled mural on the first floor of the Haven, ichool, the mural in the kindergarten of the Orrington scbool and is now painting the mural for the music room of the Haven scbool. He bas also completed the sketches for. a mural for the Dewey scbool. *The work of various stuclents of the Ev- anston academy will also be exhibited at this time. . ecause this meeting is a jsuest men'eting, to whlch, each member is requested to bring a friend who is hlot a* member, an extra program has been lanned. Miss Irene Miller and Miss Mary Kathryn, Schiller, juniors at the Mal- linckrodt High school, will do aýý *patriotic dance. Mrs. Schiller wifl accompany theus at the piano.' Hostesses for this meeting will be. the program chairman, Mrs. Gordon. McWilliams, Mrs. Raymond Jacob, and the Misses Margaret Maso,,, Viv- yenne Marin, and Hlarrilet McDer- mnt. fine arts c Au hour will hos ratOs-,V acting as lows hall on Wilmette avei Kluuder, the meeting a Valentine ;George members will be held. )A an. Sternbemg is chairman of s:, mu ary for e event.