e led by Oir. .MaDtIIC isabcocg. .Blaae. Dr. Blake, president of the Chicago Téachers college and forrnerly di- rector of individual' educationai Smith. college, will conduct the'.strie.- of six ýtalks, each of which will be complete in itself. At the first of the course on Tues- day of. this week, the board of d9- rectors of the club *as hostess..1 Given -on consecutive Tuesday mnorn- ings, at the club bouse at il o'clock, thé talks to corne are: February 12-Tht Sunlight, and Shadows of the jungle. February 19-How Can 1 Help My Son and My Daughter Through the jungle? February 26--A Systernatic Plan Can Be Organized-Hocw?ý March 5-A Systematic Plan at Work. March 12-Lice, After the ju*ngle Is Cèotzered. Discussion wilI follow each lecture in tht series. Today (Thursday) Mrs. Howard Van Doren Shaw will bt guest of honor at a tea at the Chicago College club frorn 3 until 5:30. Last February Mrs. Shaw read ber charming paper, ."Traveling Alone," to members of tbt club be- fore leaving for a long trip aboard *a freigbter. She will now tell of some of ber experiences on that trip and alào some of ha.rJ nlasfor n-, Firidg and Saturdaçy OnIv "Mamllw Pra-ncla Photo Zella Heoiderçon of 1200 Greei,- Wood avenue, is in charge of ar- rangetmn.-its for thse fwIn bridge part y this year sPonsored by rse ta Uf'Silon Rho of thse Wilrnette Par- ish Methodist churcis Pebruar4y 16. lise >arÏty is a beneft. Buffet Supper Mr. and Mrs. Albert Webster, '1601 Tenth -street, entcrtaincd at a bu ffetj supper Saturday in houer of Frank j Philo of Htrmosa Beach, Calif., who - Freab and Delicioua ýDailqi ASSORTED LAYIÉE CAKE$; Light IuEy two.Imyr sakes ....... ...... ...... BUTTRtPREIZELAST.UTE PLACE ORýIDERSS0ON FOR YOUR VALENTINE9-PARTY CAIKES petit foumsbon bons, cookies MWd cakes is a' rpht shapes end colore slilfmliy prqes modeatly priosi. FRUUI COFFEE CAKE flp.nifaee& .1d-misiso cke... . % 8e FRESU4 PIES Pu.pi *d23e mu ha fop- Sutn:Floo Devis Strw. HTenry E. PÎod of Petersburg, 1Il. will give a lecture illustrated with 'slides on the restoration of New Salemn, the Illinois Pioncer village .where Lincoln spent many years of b1is luhe. ,The descendants of the original settlers are assisting in re- storing the village and authenticàlly refurnÎsbhing its cabins and Mrs. Pond bas been vry active in this work. She is thtegreat, great, great grand- GROWJNG Wc surely have them witb ail A.Si E VA -N Williams, 614 JEarston road, Keflhl- wortb; Stewart guild, Mrs. Arthtr Bowcs; and Maclaren guiId,ý Mrs. Clifford Lawrcnce, 1340 Ashlaud.ave- TON - 4