wUilDbeservedat i8:30uo'clock. The committee already has received ac- ceptances ftoni twenty-five members. The club wants everYone to attend wbo possibly can. Please cal! Paul at, Wilmette 989. And close yc>ur reservations. Announcement 'also was made of the annual dinner and. the.installation' of the newly elected oficers to be held in the banquet -rooin of the Club Moderne, Skolcie boulevardad on iy LUne road, Monday evening, March 4.: at 7 o'clock. Edwin A. Kayser, chairman of the nominating comnuttee, conducted the nominations and election of officers. Officers electedl were: president, joseph H. Hinshaw; vice-president, James H. Devine; secretary, Paul H. Gathercoal; treasurer, Edwin A. Kysr. The speaker of the evening was Joseph Hinshaw. The meeting was held in Mr., De- vines's modernistic recreation rooni. Mrs. 'Devmne served refreshments., Kenilworth Scouts to Hear Roosevelt's Talkc Kenilworth Boy Scouts will meet in the Kenilworth Memorial gymnasium Friday night of this week to hearthe radio address by President Roosevelt on the occasion of the twenty-fifth anniversary of the founding of Scouting. Thie talk is to be given at 8 o'clock, Chicago time, over a nation-. wide hookup. After ljstening to the address thie boys wili Watch a basket-1 hall game between thie joseph Sears school heavyweights and a team coni- posed of older Boy Scouts who are, members of Troop No. 3, Evanston. under Arnold Bridges. Sears School Cagers to Meet Glencoe Tenmn Thie W. E. Fo Kenllrth, retui week frmai 9&~'~, 44kri Today Pontiac'presents the .Stan>dard Six fin- evoe lower in price and o>fféring many of the features rhan, 1025 Green- ned last Sunday f., where he had fteen rhonths. s, 422 Essex road, 1Thursday of last at Hot ,Springs., ?ime the Novw mT~a~ lxx Ils. ef - wImu. umak.Rh.pmtoe2~~ .sd~ 1 àà..w 1