'w- s.-; Members of the New, Trier High shtoIl faculty are re- 'ure*fug for îkÉ prL'fetMtIof of Barrie's romatitic comedv, -Deor Britirs," to be -giv-4- Saturday iuight. Febritary .16.. ati 8 o'cloi-k iie the hiqh .chool auditorium. Ini the pictures- Above: Miss Heleii Maloiley and Supt. Matthew P. Gaif- 5ri q p i ag 5 r 1U 1 I a French air unit, quartered near the German lunes. Warner Rxeas aitn Anerican avia- .... tor, beads *an ex- cellent v.'st which -nldsRU, Ss e Il Hardie, R alph Morgan, Andy De- vinie and Herbert Mundin. The only fesinîne .influence W r ~ie in this very Mas- W m culinie picture is' Conchita Montenegro.. Another power fui reason 'for attend- ing the Varsity theater Friday-.and, Sat-, urday is the exclusive Evanston and north shore showing of that dramiatic' and uP-to-tRie-minute feature, "The Marcb of -Tme." The Saturday matin e is- a double- barreled treat for the kiddies, with two serial attractions offering plenty of ex- citement-episode 1 of "Rustlers of Red Dog," starring johnny Mack Brown, and the last chapter--of--ý!±Tailspin. Tommy." Sunday, Monday and Tuesday brig Fannie Hurst's "Imitation of Lufe," a1 warm and human drîama about two mothers of different races, allied in the common cause of their children. tx ANNA, MAY WONG STARS "Chu Chin IChow," the, xreat <Gnn. as the beautiful slave-girl heroine, -Zahrat; George Robey as Ali Baba, sand Fritz Kortner, the famous Con- tinental stage star, as thie ruffianly Abu Hasail, chief of thie bandit band. "Babbitt," showing Wednesd4sy and Tbursday, February 13' and 14, wjth GUY Kibbee as Sinclair Lewis' famns character, is 100 per cent entertainment. Kibbee's characterization makes tliis film weII worth seeing, while Aline Mac.Mahon's portrayal of the wif e is another reason critics rate the picture as one of the. best among the current output. --v ffl* glgsw u w wer Ca»s 1.65 nd u David Butler was go cager to direct Cs.s51.6 ~UdMP~ Shirley 'Temple in a picture tbat Phone when ýtRe studio couldn't find .a 'Ut SEN ERICKSON able story, ho wotsoe it-lf eea.ghtEyes' w*" Suggested bya WN...m dIf 1relfl in hcident and practically Wotge itaeif," ho gays. È Of," 1 play.