Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 7 Feb 1935, p. 52

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UL.dership in~ any such study and subscquent legislation is a matter of greset moment, and should not be teft entfrely to chance. Forémost in auy group to consider the problenis of public education should be those agencies, that are afready experienced ini such matters. and those who are sympathetic to the exegencies of the situation., We refer specifically to proeuioaieducators, men. and women 1 of wide schooi-board, ex- perience 'and parent organizations. UmuatHa». singlei pu Mq "Public opinion, however, should be, of single purpose, and to the end of *crystaiizing it effectively on behaîf of the soundest prograni, the heartly co- operation and. assistance of ail or- ganizations sympathetic to liberal education should be 'urgently solicited., The entire machinery, local and state- wide, of. school boards, teachers, par- cat-Ïeacher associations, w ome n's clubs Leaues of Wonien Voters, the Amerian Legion,. men's civic organ- izations, etc., shouid be energized to know botb the urgency of the oc- casion and the sane methôds for ac- coniplishing desired results. "Two different needs present them- selves. 'One is for a long-terni pro- grami and thorough-going reconstruc- tion of public education throughout the state. The Cther is for a short- terni program to meet imffediate sflouil d e clar anda uunt. i these thlngs are not understood by people directly ,ini touch witb pub.lic education or sympathetic. to it, how much More confusing and fustrating are they to1 legisiatorsP S"There, are three phases. to theý prçogran -if iediate remedy.1 training their own school, systems in- objectives. And the difference he- 1'fThc State'of 1Ilinois les delinquent $ogl 15,00,000 in Pa.yments to, theý 3~ol froni the state distributive. fund. Some 1. etiiod shoulid b.devised for retumiiig these back payments. 11.* Because sehools. are closedi, pattly au, a resuit of the ýstate'S flagrant de- fault, nome mreans should bo found for opening clomed ochools on an emergency hasts pendlng aý resumption of coni-ý prehiengive ,payments froni the dis- tributive fund. Law Needs clarifylu, "3. There are nearly a dozen spots Ini the school law whIch need clarifying. These are In part dueto prevlous4,eort- to patch the iaw so as to make It op- erative In tbe present economice orer- gency. Prtmarily they have to do with preserving the credit of ichool districts s0 that they can continue to operate In borrowod' money until such time as a wiiolly new scliool law, a new revenue procedure, or a revival of tax payinentg rnay put the schools once more on a sound financiaihbas. Bills coverlng most of the necessary points are beinwz drafted and wiii be presented durlng the ,wrmswf sessinofethe leitiSS.ti. J'ractically every one ouferea some different mne di um for raising the Môney. Sonie called. for inflation of the currency, others for additional rceionetization of silver, and still oth- ers fora complete change in the cur- rency and bnog aw of the cpun-, try. In determinigý to save the, bonus issue froni this situation, the Legion made it. clear that ýit is neither en- dorsing nor oppo)sing these ideas, but that it regards them as entirely for- eign to the question of paying thé veterans a debt. National Command er Belgrano made the Legion'.0 positioni clear when, In a. staternent made public. In Wasghington, he said: *The bill does flot specify the method by which, the Congress shall muke the necessary funds available. It embodies ail of the provisions In the mandate adopted at the American,.Le- gion national convention held la .1Miaml. For miaiy years It lias been the Legion's duty to reoommend to the Congress ex- Penditures for the care and rehabilita- tion of the World War disahled. We have tib 1Uolmhdd '-êrindItUres 'fr6'i construction of adequate hospital facili- tics for thelircare. tIn no Instance has the Legion endeavored to assume the perogativee of Coixgress Itseif by recorn- mending the method whIch Congress should employ In making fundsayavil- euble for these purposes. "In its recommenda.tlon for the irn modiate cash payment of the Adjusted Service Certificates as a relief and re- çovery measure, the Legion fully under-' stands that the authority for ralsing the neeessary funds to makfi this iaw effeu'- issues. Ii addition,, 'Itw»u xuzt umur enough votes coUl be obtained 10o ver- ride a possible veto of an outigb.t vter- ans' bill wbereas il was improbable tba.t enough support could ho marsballed to <bverride ,a veto. of intlation. This ae- iounted: for the widepr«ad congressional approval of the,Iegfion's qulck action. 1Awat Comuattees Loie.- ýwhen the Ways and Iloans conimittee *111 beginhoatingm on a bih for, Immedi- mte payment of the certileiatos la a ques- tion no one at lte Capitol .eau auswer; si th15 Uime. Chairmau Dougitton bha& ordered boarings to begin on friday.' Janiiary '19. A message was reeelved, froni President Roosevelt, however, ank- Ing~ immediate consideration of certain administration legielation and titis was given, right-i>f-way. Chainnan Doughton announced on Frday (january 18) ltaI he expected hearings on lte bill would ho. poslponed u ntil after February 1 am iresult. <To be continuei in nextloisue). STAR WITH LOSER Despite Northwestern's unprepos- sessing record in the Big Tet basket- ball race, Dûike Vance, sophomnore guarci, bas stood out as one of the most brilliant newcomers in confer- ence cage circles. The tlu, husky Logansport Imd., youth bas been the bulkwark of the Wiidcat defense and in recent games bas paced the teanu in scoring. Willard Bent, 2000 Beechwood avez- nue, whn is with Monîoeomerv Ward ernor of Ilinois to gave inougni ro the type of persons. he may appoint to mny commission to study the whole probleni, and, on the other hand, for ail synipathetic organiza tions to keep closely infornied on ail developmnents in, this general situation. On. theý short-terni prograin, however we have very definite opinions. Sliool Law Arebsic. "Everywhere .schools. are hampered droit of at Ibis wmio are Heu.ý IPust Noi 46. ADJU STED COMPENSATION ae iili ti0 111e l ate payrnent of the Adjusted Service Certificates, of whlch therè are some Bishop and Mrs. Ernest L. Wal- twenty-five, but desires to comply with dorf, 941 Sheridan road. returned' the recommendation adopted at Its last from a ten days' sojourn at. Hot national convention. The Anierican Le- gion will abide by the decision of the Springs, Ark. --$-$--Y$AE YO0U R BUCK$!"-4-$- W IEubOlDT'S-%,EVANSTO)N On Davis Street WiUnette 1100 niany lias.conipletel porpose io vitaly ncs-Jsnie sereen enunrouaco the -so-j Til. a 01 the t. Ehoe

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