QUALITIY You 1k.i f or you don'1 You: fake ilt orle1ave it. We tako Il' becaus. we 1k.if, which is nof quife 1h. same..as saying Ihaf we fake- if AND 1ke if. Time and experi- once have made us believe in if'. W. havefoutid à justified roâ son fôr every ingredient and operafion confained in QUALITY mer- chandise. Thats thse way it is., There is only ONE.-standard of defermin. th. BESt qualify. If always sdrives l'o give you the mosf for your buying dollar. If s.eks l'o b. no befler and no worse, for l'o b. eif ber would conlradict ils purp'Ose. W. believe in QUALITY, and t/zat's the way th.at is. Nowywhaf we, believe and ýwhaf you. believe may b. idenlical or.ry dif- ferenifthings. W. believe 1hé 1rendý1 is 1oward QUALITY, and to th. TEST- INGý of merchandise to def.rmihe ifs highest standards, W. believe implicifly in our mollo, ý"Qualify Is Remembered Long Affer Prime Is Forgotten.' And fur- ther, we have evidence lo prove Ihat more WiIrnelt, peo- ple are, believing liicewise. W. believe in, omplifying the case of, Q UALITY, so more and more of our cusiomers may become believers for economy's sake in. 1935 ..and»tat's: the way that is. D.portmf Store 1146-1148 W'ikm.ft. Avenue Phuw llnwIt.588-589 Mon and Boys Ist National Bank Building Wilm.0. 2656 WNLMRTTE LF