Prise finianci anducenients, determincd 1115 course of action. He plans to return, to college for the first seniester of each year to, obtain his dcgree., Wllmettie, Mi. Feb. 7, 1935 Tise followlng 1932 Tax Anticipation Warrnts of *thse New "rlrte Township Hgigh Bchool District No. 203 *111 be pali on preeentation et tbe ofoiie of the rê*n- sblp Treasurer, 1200 Central Ave., Wil- mette, III. EducatIonai Purposes -from E1053, to IC1486 Inclusive. Intereat wiiI, cesse flve tisys from this dlate. F. A! ANDPRJW. Township Treasurer. LT14t0-1te Tie foilowing- resolution was Intro- *duceti andi passed at a meeting ofthtie Stookisoltiers of Tise Wilimette State Bank heiti ln the bank on Thurstiay, *January lOtis 1935 at 7:30 P. M. REOIU tat thse nuniber of difrectors of thse Wllmette State Bank offices's anti directors of sai batik are authorizeti andi tifreetedto tdoi andi perforai ail acta requireti by, la.w te- maire this change effective. THE WILMETTE 81!ATIC BANK W. D. Leary, Secretary ofthtie Board. Diçtinct anad diffê'rent front the, resi. W.'ti finish of thse very best, At leait tuvo bathn of colored tile And fixturesof tihe later sty.le. Jusi w/sot he'd >ay ke did not kitot, i-xcePttise fiqure mu.vt:be Zou'. 1 made a list of rare selection Ail in the very finest section. FRoch une ls'd ask about tie price, And, toulie odnstitîg it tuas nice. He'd always anszuer .wth a sigh, 'V t/ink the price is knisc/ too0 higis.". shosoed * mplaces t/set were 10sf At prites lés# tison ihalftise tt Ansd like az pàrrot he wpould cry, "f think tise price is mut/s too high.' 7'/at isig/st I dreanmed, and tossed in bcd, Ansd cearn heard hMm tuen he said, "I Pear t/sot I -con neyer bgêy. Thse prices al ,are mucht/s oo hgh." -A. J. Woodcock. The New. suIT AsBeer .foabric of N ovelty Handsome top. Wear weve' taffeta it under At Oklahoma City university, Ok- lahomna Aggies at Kansas State, where Waldorf formerly coached, his squads numbered over one bundred mený This is a larger. turnout for football' than Ii most Big Ten school1s. "Man3r of tho9se boys neyer had a chance, 10 makethefirststring eleven, but they .bad a lot of fun playing intersquad gamies," Wadorf said. *'At- the.,same. timie it buit up a strong campus enthusiasm- for the game."p Waldorf has several cardinal prin- cipals in, regard to' football. First and foremrost. is. bis belief that the gaine should be fun' for the players, and to that end hie conducts the daily workouts. Secondly, the new Wildcat coach believes that no team is stronger than its reserves. Under Waldorf's sys- tcm, res erve. playéers1 are drifled as thoroughly in fundamentals as the regular. As a resuit his teanis have always been strong finishers. Against Nebraska last fail, Kansas- State trailed 7 to 0 at the haîf, but staged a last half rally that netted threeS touchdowns to win 19 to 7. iLIBRARY NEWSj Ciltural DiVeruiotu An. interesting and varied collection1 of books and handicraft are on dis- play this molnth at the Wilmette Pub lic library. During the month of February let your pass word be, "What is your hobby?" Centuries ago the English called their favorite mount a, "hobby'.' be- cause il was easy to ride! A real hobby should represent some Eng- lish meaning, and that is why in choosing a hobby 'wc should consider Clark ,Hallam, business' mon, correspondent and travele, toili adi- dress t/se WilmtetteSunday Evening club Pebrutary 10 on. the "Par Eat"Mr. HaJla m hs spent many yeârs ins fic Orient and is a, recognized au! horit y on' the Smno- Japaknesc situation. Toinw rou, belongs to the tuise moni of leisure" No mnatter how absorbing our-daily work may be, we. ail -need an outiet, a special interest, of >someé kind td stimulate and develop individutality and'to give us a better balanced ut look on life. Choose and ride your favorite. "hobby" this month at your library! *The Wilniette public library has added the following books to its col- lection : FICTION Blrney--GrInM Journey. Davlson-Red Heifer. Evarts-Wolf Dog. Mundy-Tros of Samothrace. Rolland-A Worid In Blrth. Wllder-HeavexVs My DestInation.ý NON-FICTION Smth--Creative Skeptlcs. Robinson-Man as Psychology Sees Hîm.. Bingham-How to Interview. Gilkey-You Cari Master Life. Seelye-Prayers of a College Year. I3eebe-Half Mile Down. Christie--Saniplersandi Stices. I.cuIMgar A. Stevens, lact. EVANSTON WILMMeTIE32 IVETY7317 naa corne out for the sophomnore he would be tercoliegiate champion sport as a national in- by now. ..........