ward John Bercaw. ý FRIDAY, and SATURDAY-buy food by 1he dollar and save. Lay isupplis for th. coming weeks. Estimate your needs, nm.ke out your shoppJig. lis now, an rem~ewnbr'-dolI1ars go farther af A & P and, .sp.ciallyon Dollar Day. ANN PAGE PORK A&ND BEANS 20CAN$1 [auseman, Ralph Gulden, Bud Perrili, John Cox, IEd-. ton, Fred Strauss, Nancy MARRIAGIE ANNOUNCED Mr. and Mrs., Anton. Schwall, 1500 Maple avenue, announce the marage. of their, daughter, Margaret' Grace,. to Glen Mý Alisebrooke. of Chicago, son of Mr..and Mrs. E. J. Alîsebrooke of Dayton, Ohio,. on. February 8. A dinnere andý reception -at the Edge- water Beach hotel followed: the cere- mony at.4:i30o dlock. After March 1, the.bride'and brideÉroom, wiIl be at home at 8140 Keating avenue, Niles Center. BIRTHDAY PARTY Mr&Dormati Anderson of .113 Forest avenue gave a party for eight last Saturday aftérnoon in honor of her little son, 3Jorman, Jr., who was celebrating his fourth birthday. Mrs. Anderson is the -former, Natalie Red- ýon, ý for 1 Miles Seeley and her ickey, left last week. by rida to be zone until mel viV S8SSict -- - Miss Frances Bredin of the French departmeflt played in "The Dover Road", and "The Best People," both faculty. plays. Miss Louise, Hamil1ton. of the. Eng- lish .depa rtment .playedi .Piero's "The Amazons" and. "Summer Is .a Cumen In" with*.It.he Presbyterian Players of Evanston. She -acted- in "The Sheif" and "Cock Robin" for the Winnetka, Post of the AmÀerican, Legion and, has done. many one-act plays. The 'music will be furnished by a faculty orchestra, including the fol- lowing: Viofln-George Swl1gart, MarlanCottoni, . thel Evans Double bas-Frances A.nderson Itrimpet-I. C. Sehumiacher, Plano-Adelalde Bradburfl. Miss Estelle Swigart of Wilmette wiUlassist tby i4syig the cello. Jessie M. Sentney, chairman of the publicity committee, is being mnost efficiently assisted by Misses Wini- fred Wilson, Laura Ullrick, Ela, May Shaw and Messrs. Harry. Herron, Donald Frisbie, and Robert Car- penter. Mrs. Charles Carlson and Miss Bess Hadden are looking after the band properties. CARUPET P. G.WHUTR NAPHTHA SOAP e e Fnus woo bradloms itha deep, thick pile. Made by a wuIl kqown manufacturer. and olfSe. t titis unusrd Of low pnmce Convenient Room'Sizes DOL, IDUBLE ,573fKS 20 CANs