MEA? SPECIALS CHICKINS for Frcassee. I N A N appropriate and. impressive oeremony.held in Washington park Iast Saturaay afternoon, the Wîl- mette Boy Scouts planted and pre- sented to the Wilmette Park board an diii tree hi fÔmemtôrtôiof th1e- twenty-fifth, or silver anniversary of the Boy.Scouts of America. It is to be known tbroughout future years as the Boy Scout Ehu. The order of the presentation was as follows: - Boy Scouts and Cubs assembled in front of the coast guard station at 1 :30 o'clock and marched in a. body to the site chosen for the planting., Under command -of Gommissioner Carl Hannen, assisted by Victor Joyce of Trop p 10, Edward Joyce of Troop 5 and Howard Hindley, cub masterý of Pack 63, the Scouts and Cubs were assembfrd ,about the tre;Colors were posted and allegiance to the flag was given. George Bersch, field di- rector of North Shore Area council, led in tht singing of «America." Dr. D. W. Rapp, district chairman of Wilmette,, presented the tree, which was accepted in behaif of the Park board 'by F. J. 'Schtidtnhelm, its treasurer. The Scouts rededïcated themselves to Scouting by repeating their oath and law, while Cubs repeated their promise. Taps were sounded by Scout Peterson of Troop 10, wbile the entire body sto!d at' attention for Scout Charles Spinner of Troop 4, who died on Friday as .the resuit of an accident. Ail Troops and Packs of the vÎllage were represented in the ceremonies by a large number'of tht membership. The trte may be identified by a plaque, upon whicb appears an ap- propriate dedication. SePARE RIBS. 3RIbs. Ai SAUERKRAUT, 1qf. $A Home Madefor SAUSAGE MEAT, ilbé CORNMEAL MUSHI J pkg.> LARD Prenium, 44b.po FItANKFURTERS Bt LUNCH TONGUE Libby's.$ 11'2 lbs. -of Art. Mrs. Donald Elrod, 2011 Thorn- wood avenut, willi entertain ber Tuesday luncheon bridge club, next *eek. Mr. and Mrs. wood avenue, tables of bridge A. j. Linn, 1805 Elm- tnttrtaintd at four Iast Saturday and at Evanston and NJortb Shore Real. t.uropean countrY :ooay are far ahead Estate board members have called a of any being developed ini tht United special meeting for Monday, Febr- - States, ht asserted. ary 18, at which tht merging of tht two boards will be formally complet- e.B M.WlIst cd. Tht meeting will be at tht Ev-Rv.B M.W I et anston board rooms, 1569 Sherman Sp--ak to District Clubs avenue. Tht Rev. Benjamin Martyn Will of' The~ new association, to be known 051 Brier street, Kenilworth, is thtý as tht Evanston-North Short.'Real principal speaker on the afternoon 1 alrt.. Ib42 c FR YUNG CHICKENS Pltp and 2 tender. ILb.27c BEAUTY SHOP Phone Wilanetc 4517 *och Und" A". 12 ii.. 23c.