SeDave Un. ServesSeatom «-r oWucaL, A rosi Dollar Day value t (Plus F&Tam of 8c) tion elI.0a17 the. Lst d6is wLr. Waublug Carf vooemhpdù wi*I, tiie momo euru. .quwp. niet. Prompt servis.. A4n7 Cart. - . SNOooPLOW WInduhIIeId WIpors Eqecive fobr rmu,9ice, shet or snow.Ak for a demotra- tiom Eac............................5m Mathew Francis Photo "CraZy Poliis" .uill be >orl rayed by the local theàtrical talent heme show». in costuMme. The eitertainment is being given .esder the auspices of the Wilmette Chnber of Commerce Mrnday andi Tuesday evenings, Feb- ruary 18 and 19, ai the Woman's club. Identification, lef t 10 right: Above-Phili> Hoffmann,. W. B. Robinson, Jr., A. C. Pearson, Jr., Harry Dorsbos, B. L. Keeléir, C. E. Clii ton, Jr., andi A. R. Eddington. Belonw,-A. J. Woodcock, A. R. Eddintgton, W. B. Robinson, Jr.., E. C. Cazel. C. E. Clii ton, Jr., andi Harry Dornbos. 'Gray P lites"Sho - -Jane Bell, Junie Pegcock, Alice H arrison, Arries ere ondy ,Water W1l hele-4eanette Pearson, Ctinuned from Pag )N oiiEe a hoIjuo Pcks. Ro>se- WIImt.Av*.. end Ridge s WlUmmtt. Mr. and Mrs. William Harridge,* 1440 Forest avenue, spent the week- end visiing theïr son, Bill, at Culver M'ilitary academy. relia Aà.Car "g