neuf>' 0f Na'&Iag Sp... Me WuIffag-Pr.upt DeIIvu'y WHY lýlNOT CET ON.-THE .WIýRE. and, teleihone yosar grocery order ,te ns? h saves .se ttoce* time if Ye« lst give sas a ring and fei us wkat Yen want t. eût. Very se.. ati r we recéive tise oreroser delvery boy wilbe at vour door. Looikeou'er this tm>iglt. s>ecials and cal! ns nom, .Oser Iota> >rices, incîsede delivery. fresh, rich and, cr.amy. Juds the thing for thàtf'lunchmén or bridge parry-ý Good for th chuoirne 19c Selected Peas. An esp.cialiy fin. pack--so good for eiher luncheon or d-3 4 ner No "for s9 or4 Tiu.y Peus Sweft and fasy-hoat in the luce--re- mov liquor befor ser ing. No. 2 fins.-5 for i40.2 for 39 c Olced Carrots Ail ready f. heaf and serve just as they are or cornbined with 2 19 peas. No. 2 fins., for19 Canrots $hred ..w for season wtt .oo'.. BOTTLED IN BOND Hudson. s yi S r. oh........... 37&Y Hud»s B, ay, S yr. old....... Pt. 2.5 HudsnB ay, 7 jr. ul4 ...S..... e3»7 Hudson'. Bar,?7, vu. 414..... .Pt,.&$ Ohd M4vayft, 17 jr. .1 ......Pt.zJS Old tGvomatema . --wv... Pt Me saes- "oen Soi1ng 2 bunches13 c C@Uhog. ýImm Toato Julce appefizr. 12 for 97c. 2f 7 Evr R.edy BIEF DOS FOOD 32forl95c COMMODORE MAYONNAISE ç». 43c Hud$s B ay Dry ........ Oxford club ........ ...~ .. . . . . . us w ~ COMMODORE.-TUAS ORANGE PIkO&-A d 0i ca. mdppler bV2.Y?& GUNPOWDER Delcat. b e BASKET.FI LED JAPAN- V4 Au umuuully t.sty àmmd pleaslnq blond. Speceai -Te-Pot Offer. with .N aies porcelain tee-pot. 8of 49C 6.cup decorétive porcelin tee-79 poi. wlfh p«wCelein $freiner. 7 c Pu'esh Chicken Uv.',. A splendid hiii@h@n lb3 9c epfre--nd cheep. Sirlolu Steak Tender and piêy-th e dcl Stf for the large famly . 33 11h Roast of Seef The. most fonder, deiclous heefftunce b. boughf. 2 c ILeN l.31ci Laeib 7 frakfurfers Large or b.24c' rimau We' Duel.., go Yomi No Ca.nying te De WILME 402 Lindon Avenu. WINNETKA 718 El., SmO. Wtmatka. SI LAKE YIEW RO0ERS PARK 1 WJeeVh N*u 1'ark elle Ordérai ewqht te Ym Deer* A it A long theNrf h. FP-BRUARY 28, 1935 WUNE AND_ LIQUOR BUYS (o. Solle.,ai 3959 SOrodway Onlyf .à ý .. Pienty of Pwkhq S"»