1 rftoftton 3in .Pkg.' Wix lmlnst1he nmcuaty ter the oI44oàé1owuyitary paLlaX là& dedolot cf two phyuklaa. VI .alhinlatus boit.,pins. bulglagpadi. VII omt tax*îm. wbloh lb luviublo evos wlth a bathlg bt, t *affords the met eom- eplot oillo.Lt inu tell y*umore about I. £Ak inu for bîormatIoa. RETURLN HOME Mr. and )Irs. w. Wallace Kerr, 707: !Forest avenue, returned Thurs- day, of last week from Mebourne, FIa., where they visited their daugh- ter Mrs. Eiigene Lathrop,. and her faiuily.' Mr. Kerr was only thereý part of the tüme, but Mnrs. Ken rwas with theni for two months. Mr. and Mns. Hugh Foresman, .515 Essex roadl, Keniworthi, are return- ipg the -end of the week from'At-. lantic City.'where'-Mr.: Foresuian. went to attend the N.E.A.:,conven- tion. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Kehm of Winnipeg, Canada :formerly of Wil-~ mette, who are motoning to Montreal, stopped in Chicago last Tuesday for a brief stay. Tlhey wil malce Montreal their future home. 0o- The Kappal Kappa Gemmna Moth- ers association will entertain at a 2 odock bridge and tea this Yriday in the drawing room of the chapter Joseph L. Dc La Cotir, secretary of the Illinois Liquor Control -com- mnission and Pasi commamder -of the Cook Coupity coancil, American Legion, wil ibce a!guest-sIpeaker atth Iimetingp o!the Ne rir Womn'*s Detnocratic .ciab Tuesday ofterisoon, March 5, ai 2:30 in the home of .Mr. J. 1E. Lloyd, 1092 Cresceot lane, Gleneoe. Mr. De La Cour is also chairnian of the Couiittee on Control of the Cook County Légionnaire. Hé succeeded Con- ojew.qmn laes MehpA ndrews as sc-. Several other runs were miade by the firin inl the past week, but most of the fires resulted in littie or no dam- age. One which occurred on Sunday damnaged a truck belonging to Peter Sçhoden oni Glenview road. The truck was in Mr. Schoden's garage at the time, but tbe garage wasflot damaged. The ru,to extinguisb the truck fire.' was one of two mnade by the firemen ini the west section of Wilmette Sunday. About 3:45 o'clock in tbe afterncon they. were calledl to the. Indian. Hill Auto Service garage, 1920 Lake,,avenue. A gasoline. fire, had been started' when a motorist rail mto a gas pumnp in front of the garage. Tuesday, mnorning shortly after 9:30 the'firemeni extinguished a freight car blaze on the Chicago and 'North West-; ern. tracks.a short distance, south of Lake avenue. A fire started: on the roof of a fruit car, when fiot ashes f roui a charcoal heater were left there. A smal bole was burned ini the top of the car. retary of the Liquor Control commis- sion. Receiviug with the hostesses of the day-Mrs. William Marshall O'Connell,. Mrs. ]ýdgar Brand, and Mrs. C. E~. ý;û- lan-will be Mrs. Howard J. Hickey, president of the club; Miss Clara Schramm, social chairman, and Mrs. B. T. MhEeivfr trerr.r 1* The. WIImtt. OOe?7and Narket- QUALITY FOOD PRODUCTS r CALAVOS, I Ià u in w - F r" vohFr".s siiV.w.bhs Ibew 2 don, * 420431422-428 GRAPEFjUUT .............. . c BUTERSUGAR Nam.ramy, 2Ib75c f aulated Ob.5 sadISe