Sua Udi ouie tnvie-T t at itune. le ts *11 h T* rat "i a da vthEVI prisi <0 :5>~'~*'~alPrelude"ý ...............tke ptrot: 'Oss*IlurBurdeh Ur the -tb M: 'e Lord lsNy Lght ....soh. .......Panker Y* AD'hem.: Nar Unto My Prayr".............Arcaleit1 4~Wgu Pstiue: Carillon-Sortie». Muleti "ei World Day of dlis Pryer la Fr1- day. M4rch 8, Tii. Wilmette service, viii b. held at 2 o'clock ln dise']ngiish Ljutieran church. -,Al vonisu ar e ln- viteil to.partipate* ln tuba servie. BOY -Scout ITroop 8 meets Thuraday ovenins et 1,:80 ôo dock. Brownie Pack i1nisets .Wednueaday, at s8:80 o'cloek. '.1%e (lin Scout troopesponaored by Ir i -4'hurudar--3:41 o'leock. Top4-1uoedap:--3:45 olock. st4treet at Gréeuleaf avenus lundi have oui Inter -il ai- P'althfui" ý't il o'clock vs viii ion service. The in- e Communion eddrosu l'. Bread of !Lite.11 e Tou tote orship vi th de fgr dis merningservices ViI le, "Preludial" (suite Berga- Debufwy; antheni, 4BIsas dis vy Boul," Ivfuoff; molo, "Bread V'" PranCk, MEr. Otis; Poat- ch" (B flat) N'aulkes. Miss inds la the director et muste. Church schéol.... .....9:45 a. nM. 1(orning worshlp .... il...1:00 a. ni. Ivsprs musicale .......4:00 P. nm. Luter e , e....... 5:30P. m. Choir rehearsal friday evening atý 7:00o'lock. Children's. choir, Sgturday morning at 10.o'cloek. NSxt Sunday morning, Quinquagesijns Sunday, at the service, thepato6r VwiI Prefch, on the Gospel lemmon for the, day, Luks 18:84-48. Vespers musicale, Sunda.y afterneoh, Xfaft 8, Mt4 o'clock, vili b. given by the choirs of our ehuréh, lander the direction of Mr&. McLeod.. Tii. Lutuer league viii nieet Sunda.y *vening et 6:80 o'clockg. The topies for the moênth of M4areh viii bé on -prayer Life." W. Invite ail the young pooplieté meet with us. Confirmation elass viii ee on Tues" day afternoon et 3:45 oclock.ý *Church council viii, meet on 1'uesday evening et 8 o'elock. *Leadership training clasa mili meet on Tuesday evening et 8 oeck et iity, Lutheran church, Chicago. Teachere viii meet at ths parsonage et 7:16 O'clock. Mbs Wedneuday service, Mfareh 6; at 8 oclock. This vii b. thefIrat cf our aid-Week Lenten services. The Woman's noclsty viii: meet on Thursday kftsrnoon March 7. at' 2 o'clock , at dis parsonýage. Woia f Prayer ervice-pridav._ TUEWONAWS GWYJLUENTEETAIN.- An okl-fashioned entertainnientvilii be given un<ler dis auspices of ths Wonian's Guild on flday evening, March 1. et,.à o'ciock. A. delightful pro- gram ba« been planned., A ýplayiet sn- titlod: *fthe SpInster' Convention" wili b. given, by eighten vouen, and oe muan., A social heur and refreshments, Wili folio* the playiet. It la hoped diat *vsry oes ho can wIll attend and make ts* evening a sucesa both uoeiaily and ln an ia l iy . The junior Camp Fire Girls meet on Tuesday vit 4:15 p. ni. scout troop No. 1 meets on Tuesday at 7:30, p.n. Tus -Brovnies (Junior Girl Écoute) meet on 'Wedneaday et 3:80 p. mi. Scout troop NO-- à mets, ophWednesday Mt 7:30 p. ni. Girl.' choir rehearsai on Thursday et 3:30 p. M.: Boys', choir rehearmal on Thureday a&t 4 p. ni. Senior choir rehearsai onThuriday t 7':15 p. ni. Cub Pack 63 on Saturday at 9:30 a. ni. Girls, choir rehearsal on Saturday et 10:80 a. ?lere u uuIdya BOYS' Chnir rbaglo audya Kenilgvorgh union Dr. Herbert L. Wiiiett. minister On Sunday, March 3, Dr. Shailer -Mathews, Dean Erneritus cf the Divhulty School of the University of Chicago ilii Preach. T11e churcl4 service ls at Il n'elock. - -you te 3cm us. WO meet et 10 O'clock. 7%0 . Niaja Sohool buvordi Iague W iii Our Junior church, under the leader- ý» t uWty venlng et r5:30 e'cioek. ahip Of lirs. stanlsY Peterson, meets et. IMtatYelo Ro fr o-gpepl o'clock, 'and cares for the littie foliks CI ~ho ehorduoungthepeopi ~~1 Z i01 AM, wIîi meet at 6:30 uitdssris $~?:kev.Te .Tuxia society,. cur higlu achool Choir rolusarsal iih ei reets et 6:30 . e'clock In .dis 1 wll e hld onihtchapel. Aftsr rsfrsshnient4o, Loveil Ut.a~ t 8 o'oloek, under dis 4ire- Petersèn vii ls ad the meeting, anidish or B.enl. As announced luniecussion cf dis dieme. "G(reat Modern nu buletinthus viliib. disChriatianp--Toyohiko Icagawa.", St. John', Latheran Wiiniette and Park avenues J. H~. Ooekei, pastor SERVICES 9 a. n.-Firet service, lhHyCo- munion.wth111YCm 9:30 a.. m.--Sundqv acho and Junior an.d Interniedlats Bibis classes. Ü 10 a. M'.-Benior Bible clama. Il a. m,.-Sscnd- service. 8. P. ni., WednesdaY-Ienten servie. ilign sec, v jsit are v elonis. The Kenilvortua Young People's Sun- day Evening club viii mneet ln the îuiid "ffom t 6:30. A Alipier viii b. served., The program i viii ogiven'by Mr s. 'I-mion Shav, cheik artist, and Miss Gagin, accordian player, the tvo artists cfthe evening. St. Auagsune's Sunday. March q3. xv.nh rekeaat thdischurcli Su ong" .*ortm nOea paikeIr a lttO SUuday at thes Cou- viii b. Dr. meet a