Notice is heèreby given, that on Tuesday, the' l6th day of April next, ini the VILLAGE 0F WIL- ME~TTE in the County of Cook and Sta te of Illinois, an ELECTION W4,11lbe..,hcld for the following Village Officersviz.: One President, of, the -Villagre One. Village Clerk Onie Village Treasurer Six Village Trustees Two Members of Library Board, That' for the purpose of. precincts as follQws: Pr.cinçt NO. Precinct No. Precinct No. Precinot No. Precunct No. ?recinct No. Precinct No. holding said Election the Village of Wilmette shall be divided into thirteen 1-POII. ing Place: 1 Eetric Place. 2-Plling Place: 1126 Wilm.tte Avenue.. 3-Polling Place: B'ro Stolp School. 4-Polling Place: Byroni Stolp Schooi. 5--Polhn*g Place: 419, Fourth Street. 6-Polinug Place: Laurel Avenue SchooL 7-Poliing, Place: Store-1143 Greenleaf Avenue. 8-~Poling Place: Store-1217 Wihnette Avenue. FE .BRUARtY 2S, .1935