Ready for the P1aygoers Famos Cioao Clergyman and. Bd u ca t or to Discues . "Thrill of the Futuùre" Dr. John Timotby Stone, president of the Presbyterian.Theological sem- inary and pastor emeritus 'of the Fourth Presbyterian church of Chi- cago, wll be the speaker at the Wil- mette Sunday Êvening club March.3. Hie subject will be, ."lTe Thill of the' Future.", Dr. Stone is one. of the best known clergymen in the Middle West and an author of wide reputation. Among bis works are '7ootsteps in the Par- ish, " ' Reeruiting for Christ," "Life of v1?lk;t.lA " '«P 1 a e s of 0 u i et "IChristianity in Action, monoÈraphs on educi religibus subjects. Born in Boston, Mass le a graduate of Amnh Auburn Theological sec bas received bonorary many universities. He ates in several eastern sDr. 1 and Stonej nd thel ýs front pastor- before il Help the Police -Catch SetLump Breokers On, February 22: a- villager re- ported 'to the Police departinent that' boys' were breaking street lamps iîn the section extending from Tenth to Fifth street s, - nd fron Grëeenleaf avenue to Isa-- bella street. Investigation showed that a largenumber of the costly. lampe had been broken, but thé vandale had disappeared. Wataton destruction of street lamps measures large in the-cx- pense.of maintaininig the street, lighting systeni, and Superintend- P. Detwy AMdrnon, Prt"Wni 0 tihe WiInsete St ote bonis, wiflad- dress tise Wiluwtte Cam ber ot Commerce lncieon meeting Mon- day, Mercis 4, on tise goldcl ause deiion of tise U. S. Suprense cort. tasce the ment prc tion isd an inteni whether Chief1 snd punistiment of guurty woulId be more easily ac- id if more citizens would trouble to call the depart- -omptly whén their atten- lirected to acts indicating ition to destroy property, public or private. Brautigam points out that amsp are the property. of Musicale. Me1nge With Cam Of Bighty to Be Premated -et Club Thi Week Wilmette's prtmier theatrical eveùt of the year là billed fcw Shawnet Country club ýon the eve e of "Wr1- day and S.'>aturday, MarYIand 2. when club members will preseut.thé specially written and produced spet- tacular musical mxelange, "The Shaw- net Scandais of 1935." This annual staçe production, the, one everybody watts for, is directel by GeorgeSten of the Rogers Prroducing coenpsays, sdembracs in the cast headieru' of. north shore dramatic talent. recruited fromn the scntilating stars of---tIi. Shawnee ,roster. "Shawnee Scandais, for 193Y' su- passes in splendor oft settiaigl 2* beauty of presentation any pMt- tion heretofore attempted, it issau,- nounced. Jts cast of eighty people ap- pears ini two acts and twehve irgtoUs scenes, a playful, pranldsh exti'ava- ganza staged with nieticulmattgsen- tion to detail and excellence of 1g14- ____________Observe IVI Pc S choolPLAN LENTEN SERVICES Woen Wili osere rt ik c l i On Ash Weduesday evening, March Word D y o PryerBoard NomineeS 6, at 8 o'clock the Wilmette English '.WoMn members of Wilmette Ternis of the president and two Lutheran church, Seventh street at c hurches are holding a prayer service members of the Wihmete board of Greenleaf avenue, the Rev. David P. in 'the Minmette En iish Lutherani education expire this spring, and the Kabele, pastor, wiIl begin a series of church, Sevent*i street at" Greeneaf three vacancies will b. filled at the Mid-Week Lenten services. The pas- avenue, 1Friday, March 8, which ie the annuel ichool board election on Sat- tor bas prepared a biogrspbical series World -Day of Prayer, wheii woifefl rdav.. April 13. Those whose ternis of sermons. Pi Beta Pinwil fit bridge teas food sale this 1 gational house Songs, dances, . coed] Uatic climnaxes and lmmi tions follow each other w. ing rapidity, drivlng du its cellar snd creating a1 of fun, frolic snd Iauglii SUnder prof essional g production has beeu çart t he adtore traiued to the what actors 1 Rare tliey things they do: . . . .. .. .. ,at the1 ranston, r- dra- t ý . i l.