remain utnanswered as long as 1 retain any memory of the lec- ture. on «Democracy and Civili- zation" presented Wednesday of. last week before'the Woman's Club of Wilmette by Dr. Mann of Chicago. And I neyer expevt4 to forget the meaning and force of that message. >No rhetorical furbelows..whatsoever mark the platform: manner of thq unassuming and (I do not hesitate to use the. next w ýord)- great -public speaker. Breadth,.of miid- and depth of heart, combined with a power to 1express both, serve to raîse this mani far above the status of preacher, teacher or lecturer and rank hini rather as seer or prophet. To what extent hé is familiar with ail the iueary hItriag of thepast as welI as whatever is pertinent and vital in contemporary books, any listener may quickly grasp f rom his rich factual background and his often, repeated words, "'Have you read so- and-so, so-and-so; and so-and-so?" But reading is, mere stimulus for a life of activity. Beside his afore- mentioned work of preaching, teacb- ingi and2 lecturing Dr. Manin is a na- of ýman's humanity to mani; second, the extent of respect for. law an& order; third, the preferénce for pre- vention in place of cure, and finally, the prevalence of the art of living together. Under the last he. stressed tolerance, more especially religlous tolerance. As for democracy, Dr. Matin believes' its future is bright only if the UIgood"s oeonffr are willine to activelv parti- There will be two important evetits at theclub àiê5t weekt At Il o'clock Tuesdymorning, Dr. Mabelle Babcock. Blake,: presiden of Chicago Teacher.4 college, ,will lecturýe on "'A Systematic Plan at Work," on. of ber sertes of, lectueson college préparation. 'Satur- day evening, Mardi .9, at 6:30 o'clock. the club will have a dinner in, honor of Dr. Henry Noble MacCracen, presi- dent of Vassar çolle ge, and at 8.:15 Dr. MacCracken will speak on "Three Values: Learners 1 Eearningi and the Things Learned" Vaýssar graduates who are umbers of the College club will be the hostesses. Lectures on various subjects, a style show, musicale, bridge party, book talk, and carrent events talk will coenlete the club's Mardi activities. Real talent is evidmnt in thee groups, their sponsc declare, àhéïd Original pisys mayr be produoed in the, future, as omn Of the g rlsa 'eayba ite play$ that have been cteuW i uiettme. Trained bIstage technique, nechanicia nd diction, the clases muet Saturday, morning inthe Wihnette Kasonk Wlm- pIe under the direction, of BetyBw of 716 Eleventh street. w Cu ponsors Fàshion Show and BridgeJO . R year's benefit iu Tunesday .atter- noon March 19. Mrs. William E. Schweitzer of Chicago i. general SafetyMeetig in ity chairn., On ber committee are s Sponsored by Club Mr:. Lowell C. Noeso Evanston, A safety 'meeting is to be held mette, Mrs. Thonipson M. Wakeley Thursday, February 28, at 2 o'clock of Kenilworth, and Mrs. Charles in the afternovn in the theater of thte Floyd of Evanston. Mrs. Newell S. Chicago Wonmns club under the IKnight of Kenirwotth is in charge of auspices of the. club's civic commit- tickets for, her village and f or. Wil- saiety dwreCtir OuIthe National _-uxcty council, will follow witb suggestions on how to decrease the present terri- blé inotor death toîl. Mrs. Willis Grahami of the Wonns Saiiety bureau of the Chicago Motor club will speak on women's opportunity to help in this safety crusade. The meeting is an open one to which members may bring their firiends. Hcrc is 'a thc>ught, Hat il occernd to yen tfisat yos caftcheck de cquaviica. tiotas of your apartucat-Luotel home as£arefhhlz as thoseof .., rs. C. Artbu Layatrom, 1341 Greemiwood avenue, rccently was hosteau at lupeheo and bridge for eight . orth sborne and ClcaP N sHimaAe0 la