meisg de Polo math tht Barvatd mu-, g an Fort Sberidato - suwdy evesing, t suv cedocIE, at tise tu Aailley arniory, Cr«ve ivcuue and, Md ure.Poed for tetyh wt. At8J rivisons Ofthse A fir-awteu 1 Divison Oa- wil tises folIow, ,0 pesiods of thse IV'arsity te=ni Siseidan teamn gainse, as thse saum forum a tud e, auupkoe of thinsois Fed- «Mfaim~e of WooW clijis a Scbool of Ifu1kuhurý fres t. the Public, Wi IZ iu thse Fedrto edurc fOuirtemnb foor, » West Washingto stretCbcag. ibe program ini fuUl for tihe tWO d&YS's ias follows: lomS etth oam lain.tise Blbe. Jmil a _ý---MtI on Grldley :30 -Pt-.W.O.Yon offlms at Popgasn ob hi mplat# G ard a T aikU ta. C lay H aa'kn e * i.P. tN.: e '3rotevordUy Tre« -for Chicaigo Area*l Robert T. Van Trtsu 'Icmuàoms BOM in -thse Ga*en- (iflutatj>,-_Frank Balthis Mareb 12-M -* A. x-: mm G.Vasump)OUr -.--David MeMillan IP. j- 'C'r Cogubinýaton i Florai Arrange- , sentr - Eudolpb 7Y. iohr 'Jfw ,> ui aGarden-- Frank L.eJ, Dit. Gamma M Othrs Plan March Banquet jyco sca4 injm ' --- t- pu3 aaa meeig pians aM Ms. EwiI1iSJE 'ese fdiscSs.ed for a Matliers and, id li .. thrd, a4 E.Father's dinsner ta be held in Mari. d'tr& Mv. rtiu. nd Mr, uncheon was scrved ini the hotel Ifutre. and su M dining room. Later'in the aifternoan )lr. -P Mv. sewing was donc for the Rled, Cross. ër. d Mr. HemonMrs. WilliamK. Davidsou of:Evans- àf and Mr. and M r..ton 15 presidentofteasctin Meniur.sud es-Mrs. Hugo Layer aof Winneika is. Mier andI UMes- U A.... è.;president. MVisi Mîided Hebel o! Wilmete ione vf two co-chairmfen ini charge Of arranqcincjjts for the annsual formnai banquet of Gaimma phi Beto on, Mai-ch 9, at theEdevr Bcach. hotel. Thé ways and me ans camrnittte'Of the Evanston Friends of Chicago Junior schoo0l annOU-nces the program which Miss Eleanor, Perkjns, will present at thé home Of M'rs. Harley, L. Clarke, 2603 Sheridan road, Evans- ion, at 10 o'clock on the ensuing dates: March &-"'The Fôrty Day.s of Musa Dagh," by Frank Werfel; March 13-"N4ew Frontiers" by Henry Club Invites'North> Shore to Exhibit Arts end Cra'fts Conitrary. to thé. announce. ment miade :recently in a Chii. cago newspaper, thé Arts anid Crafts exhiba at the Winnetka Woman's club Tuesday March 19, wiIl include handiwork and crafts but flot 'hobbies, as sucli. S'ne articles subumitt'ed must have been created byr the. exhibitor,' the club annaunces. it is hopied by the committee, that there will, be much new and interesting materjal this year. Mrs. Foster Hanniaford, chairman of the art comaittee of the clubi in general charge of arrangements. Mrs. Hannaford, before coming to Winetka, nrd -as ver--esidnt of the state art commission of Minne- sota for threc years. She will be as- sisted by Mrs. Erwin A. Meyers. Mrs. J. F. Danunaun, Mrs. Preston Wells, -and Xrs.;Irwi,,)Myers. -Double entry blanks',are being. mailed -to the membership,' anc part of Which is to be attached ta the exhibit, and the other part returnied ta the, Club as soan aes possible in arder that.. the committee may list, value, and in- sure everything entrszsted to its care. Extra slips may be- obtained f rom Mr Mi. Alfred Freeman at the club. Any one living in the north shore area, fromLake Forest te Evanston is invited ta participate. Al articles are ta be-delivered ta the clubhouse Mon- day, March 18. The exhibition l will begin at' t o'clock March' 10, and last. until 5 and continue fram 7 until 9 o'clock in. the evening.. - At 2 o'clock in the afternoon Daniel Catton Ricb, 'as-. sociate curator ai painting of the Art Iflstitute of Chicaga, will lecture upon a subject te be atinounced later. .Mrs. Paul ing director. Frh.mity M» The Sigma Chi Mother's club - of' Nortl, Western ufiversitY Was enter- t.ted at.a bridge h1 b o M n a tthhomse of M~rs. Ethel Fax, 816ý MJilsurn street, .vanston. Mr&. Winulow Heu was ço*hostess. 1~ G. ~ata~ ~aoem